
Newmont Africa addresses reports of arrest of concerned farmers in relation to Ahafo North project

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Tue, 19 Sep 2023 Source: Newmont Africa

Newmont Africa has noted with concern, media publications alleging connivance with the police to arrest some members of the Concerned Farmers Association in its Ahafo North Project’s mining area.

Newmont Africa remains committed to progressing the Ahafo North Project in a responsible and sustainable manner, having due regard for the human rights of all persons affected by the Project.

The company respects and proactively engages in good faith dialogue to reach mutually acceptable solutions. The Ahafo North Project has therefore enjoyed strong community, regulatory, and broader stakeholder support and approval.

Ahafo North Land Access and Concerned Farmers’ Claims

In compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, Newmont has accessed over 98% of the land required to begin construction of the Project. About 2,500 farmers and landowners have been compensated, following negotiations and agreements with the Resettlement and Crop Rate Negotiation Committees, jointly constituted by impacted farmers, property owners, traditional leaders, as well as community and government representatives.

Some 21 farmers, belonging to the Concerned Farmers Association, however, refused to abide by the outcome of the negotiations and subsequently declined enumeration of their farms and structures. They have been uncooperative despite the extensive engagement and mediation efforts aimed at addressing their concerns, including interventions by eminent traditional chiefs, youth leaders, and other relevant stakeholders.

The group is demanding individual negotiations that could result in potential rates beyond what was agreed upon by the Resettlement and Crop Rate Negotiation Committees, which rates are significantly more than the assessed professional and government valuation rates or lower negotiated rates leading to unfair compensation in comparison to the already 2,500 compensated farmers and further dissatisfaction with the compensation process.

Disruption of land clearing activities

Following full compensation for over 98% of lands required for mine construction, Newmont commenced clearing of these compensated lands within the Ahafo North Project’s mining area.

Unfortunately, some members of the Concerned Farmers Association have actively and aggressively disrupted land-clearing activities by the company and its contractors. The company has largely resorted to good faith engagement and dialogue in these instances, to reduce tension and maintain peaceful co-existence.

Impact on uncompensated land

There was an incident where the company’s exploration team inadvertently impacted one of the farms that had not yet been compensated for. In this instance, the company engaged the owners of the land, who are members of the Association to amicably resolve the impact.

They initially agreed for the temporary exploration activities to proceed while adequate compensation was discussed. However, one John Mensah, who is the chairman of the Association, mobilized the impacted farmers and other members of the Association whose land had not been impacted, to halt the exploration drilling activities on the said parcel of land, threatening to burn the exploration drill rig, among other equipment.

The exploration activity was stopped, the rigs demobilized, and the drill holes covered.

Vandalization of company property on compensated land

In a separate incident, Mr. John Mensah led some Association members to attack Newmont’s mining team during a land-clearing exercise on a parcel of land that had been negotiated and compensated for by the company. This time, the company’s vehicle was vandalized during the attack, prompting the company to report the incident to the police.

The members were arrested and arraigned before the Duayaw Nkwanta circuit court on 30th August 2023. The court granted them bail and directed them not to return to the company’s mining area until the determination of the case by the court.

The Association members ignored the court’s directive and proceeded to disrupt work at the mining area the very next day, 1st September 2023, leading to the arrest of four of them, including Mr. John Mensah.

Claims by Concerned Farmers Association regarding the destruction of John Mensah’s Farm

In the media publications, the Concerned Farmers Association made claims that members of the Association were on their way to their farms when they noticed that the farm of their chairman, John Mensah, was being destroyed by Newmont.

The land in question is not owned by John Mensah. He is a tenant farmer. The said land has been fully assessed and due compensation has been paid to the farmland owner, following the owner’s request to Newmont to carry out the assessment, and John Mensah’s refusal to allow for same.

Mr. John Mensah was duly notified of the landowner’s request for assessment and payment of compensation. After the assessment, John Mensah proceeded to harvest all the mature teak trees on the farm before the Newmont team started the land clearing.

Newmont will continue to respect the rights of its stakeholders

Newmont Africa remains committed to progressing the Ahafo North project in a responsible manner and in line with the due human rights requirements and processes. It will continue constructive and organized dialogue with all stakeholders on all issues of mutual concern to ensure the long-term sustainability of the business and the jobs, incomes, tax revenues, and other benefits the company provides.

Source: Newmont Africa