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Nigeria to turn back wrongly deported Ghanaians

Sat, 11 May 2002 Source: Daily Times

Ten Ghanaian nationals wrongly deported to Nigeria from Spain last week are to be sent back to the European country.

The paper said the Ghanaians, currently being held at the Lagos office of the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS), were brought into the country by Air Europe.

However, NIS officials have refused to release the deportees to the Ghanaian High Commission in Nigeria, in view of the stipulation of the Immigration Act that people who are wrongly deported should be sent back to the countries, which deported them.

One of the deportees, simply identified as Edwards, was quoted as saying that although he and his colleagues were being treated well by the NIS officials, they would like to go home to Ghana or be sent back to Spain.

NIS Assistant Comptroller in charge of deportation matters, Abdulmumuni Haliru, said the deportees would be sent back to Spain as soon as Air Europe arrives later this week.

Source: Daily Times