
Nigerian dies with tummy full of cocaine

Thu, 13 Jan 2005 Source: Times

A Nigerian, Nnamani Chidi, 34, died last Sunday after some cocaine capsules, which he allegedly concealed in his stomach, apparently burst.

He was found dead in his room at a hotel at Tantra Hills in Accra, a day before he was expected to travel to Europe.

A post mortem revealed that 29 capsules containing cocaine and weighing 641 grammes, were concealed in his stomach.

Tesano District Police Commander, Chief Superintendent S. Y. Amponsah, told the paper that a Nigerian and British passports were found in the hotel room.

He explained that the hotel manager became suspicious following Chidi?s failure to check out, therefore he peeped through the sliding window and found him lying postrate on the bed.

Source: Times