
Nii Amanor Dodoo pushed out of KPMG - Oscar Yao Doe claims

Oscar Yao Doe Oscar Yao Doe

Tue, 1 Oct 2019 Source:

There has been several issues and allegations raised against Nii Amanor Dodoo of KPMG as far as his work as the Receiver of defunct uniBank is concerned.

Notable among his accusers is Ghanaian business mogul, His Royal Highness King Oscar Yao Doe, who has accused him of deliberately misleading Ghana Police over a letter he sent to him.

Oscar has been very candid about Nii Amanor Dodoo’s incompetence and at some point, even suggested that Nii Amanor Dodoo be sacked from his position as Receiver.

Well, Nii Amanor Dodoo has reportedly been pushed out and King Oscar writes in a post to find out whether Nii Amanor Dodoo’s retirement package will be frozen or not.

Oscar Yao Doe is of the view that most of the auditing work done by the firm led by Nii Amanor Dodoo has resulted in the unfortunate collapse of many local banks and other financial institutions, hence the laid down of workers increasing unemployment in the country.

Oscar Yao Doe also asked if the retirement of Nii Amanor Dodoo means the firm is exempted from lawsuits from collapsed banks.

Read his full post below.

The deceiver Nii Amanor butcher Dodoo has been push out of the dishonest accounting firm KPMG, today is his last day in office at the cooked & baked audit firm KPMG! They packaged it as a retirement like a movie! Wow wow wow! Ghana Ghana Ghana!

Has KPMG frozen his retirement benefits? Who cares! Who knows?

Does this action exempts the dishonest KPMG from law suits by the affected banks and shareholders? The answer is boldly no no no!

See the reason below:

KPMG knew that when the Bank of Ghana appointed Nii deceiver Dodoo as the administrator of the affected banks that he Nii deceiver himself audited through KPMG was a problematic, but yet there is no evidence of record showing that KPMG protested the decision by Bank of Ghana, KPMG took a juicy fees of millions from Bank of Ghana for a dishonest job done to destroyed our local Ghanaian owned banks and businesses.

So because of the failure of KPMG to put on record the conflict of interest complained to Bank of Ghana for their action, and as a result Nii deceiver Dodoo became the auditor of the banks, the prosecutor of the banks, the validator of his own audit for the banks, the judge for the banks, and now Nii deceiver turned himself into uniBank ghost claiming foolishly he is suing uniBank owners without any shame.

So now the door is open for all the affected banks and shareholders to sue KPMG millions of dollars for damages! Now is also the moment to investigate the Bank of Ghana itself for this scandal of destroying local businesses.

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