
Nkrumah and Rawlings: The two Ghanaian presidents who never hid their love for pets

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Sun, 10 Dec 2023 Source:

“You created your very own Garden of Eden, full of all manner of animals living in harmony, where they would otherwise be each other’s lunch! From Jack Parlance your rooster to the wild geese who still think they own your home; to your doves, hawks and your many dogs to name but a few. It is no wonder, that at the moment of your departure, your dogs gathered around your usual sitting spot, howling till they eventually slept from exhaustion.”

These were portions of a glowing tribute read by Amina Agyeman Rawlings, depicting her father's love for pets and animals.

While having pets in the Ghanaian traditional setting might be deemed normal in many homes, little is known about the love of pets on the part of Ghana’s presidents.

The ‘Lucifer’ encounter

For late former president Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings, is it said that he was a staunch lover of a double combination of nature and animals.

This love for animals and pets has been attested to by close persons to the former first family.

Legend has it that while the young Jerry Rawlings was in senior high school, he was the one of only two persons who could successfully ride a rather notorious horse.

The horse, which was named ‘Lucifer’ was said to have been ridden without a brass - this meant riders of Lucifer were left to their own fate as it would not allow any form of protection on its back.

According to Alex Segbefia, a former Minister of Health and former student of the Achimota School where Jerry Rawlings had his secondary education, only ‘geniuses’ could mount and ride Lucifer as it was one “hell of a horse” to gain control over, yet the late former president is said to have done that with ease.

JJ Rawlings is also reported to have occasionally ridden a horse belonging to the former Libyan president, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, while he was on a visit to the country.

Kwame Nkrumah captured with a German Shepherd

In a rather rare sighting, an image from years back shows Ghana's first president Dr. Kwame Nkrumah alongside a German Shepherd dog strolling in the background.

Although the timeline of the image is unknown, it is easy to assume it was taken from President Nkrumah’s residence where he is seen patting the dog on its back.

Also, during his working years as prime minister of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and his entourage paid a visit to the former Emperor of Ethiopia, King Haile Selassie, who is said to be an ardent lover of animals and pets.

In a video that showed his tour of Ethiopia, Nkrumah and his entourage make their way out into the garden of the emperor where a lion was somewhat introduced to him as one of the pets belonging to King Haile Selassie.

A rather calm Nkrumah pats the almost 170 to 210kg lion and smiles. Some of the members of his entourage, however, try to do same and it is clear how terrified some of them were especially after encountering the huge and intimidating domesticated lion.

