
Nkrumah's vision killed, corrupt hands managing Ghana today - Lucy Aning

Lucy Aning Madam Lucy Aning

Mon, 5 Sep 2016 Source:

A former legislator in the First Republic and an Elder of the Convention People's Party (CPP), Madam Lucy Aning says Ghana is currently at the crossroads and we cannot continue to take the path of our 1992 neo-colonial constitution with its NLC AFRC PNDC/NDC decrees and indemnity clause imposed on the people of Ghana in the name of multiparty democracy.

In a piece written by the outspoken member of the CPP, she said, our natural resources are being exploited by some corrupt individuals.

''...We cannot still continue in a state where our God-Given natural resources of gold, diamonds, manganese, timber, water and oil continue to be exploited largely for the benefit of corrupt ruling elite and their neo-colonial foreign partners masquerading as investors while the Ghanaian masses continue to suffer unemployment, poverty and misery.''

Ghana under the visionary leadership of Kwame Nkrumah she explained, administered an all-inclusiveness and comprehensive socialist system known as ''mixed economy'' barely nine years after the attainment of independence.

The mixed economy she said consisted of five sectors namely; State Sector Embracing Education, Health, Health, Housing, Power and Water Delivery; Foreign and Local Enterprises Sector; State Sector in Partnership with Foreign and Local Enterprise Sector; Co-operatives Sector and; Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurs Sector, reversed mainly for Ghanaians citizens-private.

In pursuance of the mixed economy system, the ''Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah's CPP government was able to accomplish the required and timely economic development of the country which saw the industrialization of vast natural and human resources with an enabling environment which included the needed infrastructure nationwide,'' she indicated.

Citizens she noted need to know the ''political economic and social history of our nation, Ghana, with all its alternating successive civil rule and military Quasi-military regimes notable among of them PNDC/NDC both of which were headed by the former President Flt. Jerry John Rawlings.''

The Divestiture Implementation Committee (DIC) which was set up during the PNDC/NDC regime under former President Rawlings she said, ''disposed of national assets through corrupt ways.

The assets were allocated to cronies, favourites, friends and fellow members of the PNDC/NDC and some (front men) foreigners for very little or no payment at once or payment with money borrowed from government.''

The move Madam Lucy Anin said caused great financial loss to the state and further made a reference a Daily Guide and Crusading Guide Newspapers published on 30th June, 2005.

Madam Lucy Anin in her conclusion called on all ''Nkrumahists wherever you may be to support and join the youth in the CPP who are truly imbued with clear understanding of the Nkrumahism and are willing and able to make the needed sacrifices.

The Trojan horses must not be given the space in our mist and continue to destroy the party from within.

If indeed you are am Nkrumahist then there should be no difficulty in working together to liberate our people from the clutches of poverty and misery. We cannot afford to delay any longer.

We can and must struggle to end the neo-colonial destruction of Mother Ghana Now.''
