
Nkwanta North Assembly Deepens Decentralisation Processes

Fri, 13 May 2011 Source: GNA

Kpassa (V/R), May 13, GNA - The Nkwanta North District Assembly has introduced measures to make proceedings in the Assembly more effective.

The Assembly will elect a whip to make sure there is order in the Assembly as well as punctuality and dress code in line with what pertains in Parliament.

Mr Paul Levin Gyato, Nkwanta North District Chief Executive, said this at the Assembly's first ordinary meeting.

He said presentation of reports from each electoral area had been institutionalised.

Henceforth members would give briefings on the status of their electoral areas, which would be tailored into the general development planning of the district.

Mr Gyato said these innovations were to embolden assembly members to contribute to deliberations and utilise the platform provided them to deepen decentralisation, broaden local governance and administration.

He praised the people for maintaining the peace.

Togbe Dawudu Gletorwu IV, the District Coordinating Director, urged members to continue to familiarise themselves with the contents of the Local Government ACT 462 and Standing Orders and consider these documents as the 93local government Bible."

Mr Thomas Kumah Akposim, the Presiding Member, urged members to demonstrate commitment and work without fear or favour.

Mr Ernest Kwasi Lagsah, a first-timer Assemblyman for Tinjase told the Ghana News Agency that the assembly concept was gaining roots, a reflection of the calibre of people contesting elections at the grassroots level and expressed the hope that this zeal would be translated into deliberations to stimulate development.

Source: GNA