
No Market for CMA's Sheabutter

Sat, 25 Aug 2001 Source: GNA

Large quantities of sheabutter worth millions of cedis have pilled up at six production centres of the Christian Mothers Association (CMA) in the Northern Region since June last year, because there are no buyers.

Madam Augustina Kwakye, National President announced this at the Association's fourth Annual General Meeting at Tamale on Thursday and invited interested buyers saying, "our sheabutter is of high quality." The sheabutter, extracted by members of the Association with assistance from the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) as part of its Community Empowerment Programme, has failed to reach both the local and international markets. Representatives at the various Dioceses of the Catholic Church and staff of the Association's National Secretariat are attending the three-day meeting on the theme: "Harnessing the Potentials of Women Towards the Realisation of an Enhanced Public Life."

Madam Kwakye said the Association was no longer content with merely assisting women to realise their economic potentials, but"we also now want to harness our potential towards becoming part of the decision-making apparatus of the country."

Source: GNA