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No amount of insult from NDC will deter me – Amidu

Martin Amidu

Fri, 3 Apr 2015 Source:

Former Attorney General Martin Amidu has said no amount of insult will deter him from his quest to pursue the Ghc51.2 million judgment debt illegally paid to businessman Alfred Woyome and Waterville Holdings.

“No matter the insults and name calling by the Government and my own political party, the NDC, nothing will stop me from pursuing this GARGANTUAN constitutional rape on the people of Ghana to its logical conclusion as long as I have life in me”.

In a statement issued Friday, the anti-corruption crusader said the country will succeed if Ghanaians learnt to put the interest of the nation ahead of their political allegiance.

“Putting Ghana First instead of Governments is the only salvation for this our dear Republic”.

Mr Amidu has said he was sacked from office by President John Mills (late) because he wanted to use his predecessor Betty Mould-Iddrisu as a prosecution witness in the controversial Woyome saga.

Mr. Woyome was charged with two counts of causing financial loss to the state and defrauding by false pretences after he was accused of illegally receiving the Ghc51.2 in 2010 for his role in the construction of some stadia for the CAN 2008 tournament held in Ghana.

However, an Accra high court on Thursday March 12, 2015 acquitted and discharged him of both charges.

In his ruling, Justice John Ajet-Nasam said the state failed to convince him that Mr Woyome acquired the money fraudulently.
