
Nunoo Mensah was "too kind" with words - Kpesah Whyte

Joseph Nunoo Mensah

Fri, 25 Oct 2013 Source: XYZ

Presidential Staffer Dr. Michael Kpesah Whyte has justified the national security advisor’s recent harangue against labour and says Nunoo Mensah should have used even harsher words in his outburst against labour.

“I think the General was actually too kind even in his choice of words as far as this particular issue is concerned,” Dr. Kpesah Whyte said on Friday.

The retired Brigadier General accused public sector workers of haunting the government with strikes and asked them to pack out of the country if the “kitchen is too hot” for them.

He has taken a deluge of flak for his comments but has also enjoyed some support from people like Statesman K.B. Asante and security analyst Dr. Kwesi Aning.

The latest to join the support wagon is Kpesah Whyte, who says Nunoo Mensah couldn’t have been more right.

“If we don’t learn to call a spade a spade in this country, and stop calling [a] spade a smaller spoon or a bigger spoon or whatever it is, we will continue to find ourselves in the kind of situation we find ourselves in,” Kpesah Whyte fumed.

He said: “I don’t see why anybody should attack the General for the kind of comments [he made]. It is indeed frustrating”.

According to him, “…Before single spine, people were earning all manner of income that really was heart rendering. After single spine, it has changed and so why would you want to continue this every now and then; it’s scattered all over the place”.

“Things like market premium is not to apply to everybody [but] every union is now demanding it meanwhile this is well known before the implementation of single spine begun, so I don’t think the General deserves the kind of attacks that were launched at him and I think that many people need to do a lot of quiet introspection and asked themselves ‘was the General saying anything bad?’”

Dr. Kpesah Whyte, who spoke on Radio Gold, also described the leadership of organised labour as a strike-happy bunch who don’t explore proactive means of resolving their grievances.

Source: XYZ