
OSP launches Youth Against Corruption Ghana social media platforms

WhatsApp ImageASD 2024 03 03 At 13.jpeg The move forms part of the OSP’s flagship anti-corruption programme

Sun, 3 Mar 2024 Source: Office of the Special Prosecutor

In pursuance of its mandate to prevent corruption, the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has launched the Youth Against Corruption (YAC) Ghana social media platforms, dedicated to fostering integrity, transparency and accountability among the youth.

The move which forms part of the OSP’s flagship anti-corruption programme, Youth in Anti- Corruption Initiative, comes at a crucial time when Ghana stagnates on the 2023 Corruption Perception Index, with a 43 score for the fourth consecutive year.

The newly launched Youth Against Corruption Ghana accounts are currently being hosted on X and Instagram, operating under the handle yac-ghana and the hashtag #YouthAgainstCorruptionGhana and #IntegrityStartsWithUs. These platforms aim to disseminate information, share relatable stories, and provide engaging content to capture the attention of the young audiences.

The X YAC Ghana account will serve as a news hub, delivering updates on the latest anti-corruption initiatives, success stories, and relevant conversations. The Instagram YAC Ghana page will feature visually appealing infographics, testimonials, and content from the various sensitisation programmes across the country.

Samuel Appiah Darko, Director, Strategy, Research and Communication at the OSP, said that the Office recognises the power of social media in shaping opinions and influencing behavior, hence the step to strategically leverage these platforms to connect with the tech-savvy target audience and educate them on the perils of corruption.

"The youth are the driving force behind societal change, and we believe that by harnessing the power of social media, we can effectively communicate the importance of combating corruption and instill the values of integrity among them. We want to make anti-corruption education accessible, engaging, and relatable for the younger generation," he added.

To amplify the reach and impact of the YAC Ghana platforms, the OSP is extending invitation to all youth in Ghana and beyond who share a commitment to render corruption costly and unattractive to join the campaign train by sharing their perspectives and engaging with their followers to create a ripple effect of awareness.

In support of these efforts, the Office will continue to develop educational resources in collaboration with schools and universities to integrate anti-corruption content into their curriculum. This multifaceted approach aims to ensure a comprehensive and sustained effort in tackling corruption from both grassroot and institutional perspective.

As the Youth Against Corruption campaign gains momentum on social media, the OSP remains optimistic that the initiative will foster a new generation of informed and empowered individuals dedicated to building a corruption-free future.

Source: Office of the Special Prosecutor