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Official vehicles for party activities won't be allowed -Kufuor

Tue, 8 Jan 2002 Source: .

President John Agyekum Kufuor on Monday said the government would ensure that officials use their private and party vehicles for activities of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

He said failure by government officials to distinguish between state and party functions with regard to the use of official vehicles would lead to unjustifiable expenditure on the Consolidated Fund.

"It smacks of corruption, it is not a practice we want to encourage. We want some transparency on the part of government expenditure and for government to function efficiently", President Kufuor said in an answer to a question on the use of official vehicles at party functions at the People's Assembly held as part of activities marking the ninth anniversary celebration of the Fourth Republic in Accra on Monday.

The theme for the assembly was: "Positive Change, A Good Beginning." He, therefore, appealed to government officials to make clear distinction between the use of their vehicles for state and party functions. Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama called for a national debate on indiscipline in the Ghanaian society.

He deplored mob action in some mining towns especially in the Western Region leading to destruction of life and property saying that this affected the government's investments policy negatively.

"When we allow such indiscipline to continue, especially in major mining areas, what signals are we sending to potential investors, who want to take advantage of the prevailing economic conditions to invest?"

Alhaji Mahama said the government had created the environment for the creation of job opportunities. Therefore, civil society, chiefs and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) should involve themselves in finding solution to issues that led to disorder.

The Vice President Aliu said it was unfair to accuse people wrongly and called for an end to unjust accusations against government officials.

"Let us not create a situation where good and honest people would refuse to go into politics," he added. Before the commencement of proceedings, a minute silence was observed for those who died in the past year including politicians, statesmen and the victims of the May 9 Accra Sports Stadium Disaster.

Mr Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, Minister of Information and Presidential Affairs, said the assembly was organised to make the government transparent and accountable to the people.

He said it would help improve co-operation between the government and the people to remove any misgivings on government policies and programmes.

Source: .