
Okai Koi North NDC Parliamentary Aspirant To Pull A surprise

Tue, 8 Nov 2011 Source: The Crystal Clear Lens

Mr. John Kwesi Mensah, a National Democratic Congress parliamentary aspirant said he

will pull a surprise by axing the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from the Okaikoi North

Constituency seat comes 2012 if he is giving the knot to lead the party in the area.

There have been agitations from the Okaikoi North NDC party as to why the

constituency has not been able to win the seat for the past sixteen years but Mr.

Mensah said he will pull the floating voters to machete the NPP from the seat.

According to people who spoke to the Crystal Clear Lens on reasons why they are all

gunning for Mr. Mensah, the aspirant has been in the constituency for the past

forty-five years with a track record of giving the constituency some infrastructural


“We need a candidate who has been in the constituency for long and knows the needs

and aspiration of our people with the vision to bring development to the

constituency,” a proud member said.

The Man who spoke on condition of anonymity said there have been some achievements

by Mr. Mensah during his reign as the Assembly-man by providing streets lights on

the ceremonial roads and other roads in Fadama which has curbed down stealing,

arm-robbery and other inhuman related activities in the area.

“There have been road constructions; drainage works to avert floods in the area

through the hard-work of the former assembly man for the Gbemomo electoral area who

wants to take the people of Okai Koi North to the promise land when given mandate to

lead the NDC,” he stated.

He further revealed that Mr. Mensah has constructed a clinic for the people of

Fadama to see to their health issues in the area and now the people have a health

facility to attend when they are confronted with diseases and sickness.

“The clinic according to our source would soon be inaugurated for the people to have

their health issues attended to with well trained health personnel from the Ghana

Health Service (GHS). Mr. J.K Mensah during his term of office, through hard-work

provided joint military and police patrol for the area which have brought down the

crime rate in the area especially in the areas of rampant theft cases,” he stated.

A Sampling of the members in the constituency were of the view that Mr. Mensah is a

successful business man who would not after giving him the knod would neglect the

people for his personal gains but would rather give the constituency the needed

infrastructure development to continue the better Ghana agenda of Prof. Mills.

They further stated that the aspirant is an indigene of the area and has over

fifteen workers on his pay roll as workers in Manital Ventures, the biggest

constructions equipment provider where he is the Chief Executive Officer.

“The forty eight (48) years-old man has gone through the mill by holding a position

as the past assembly man who served his people with all dignity, honesty, humility

which brought major developmental activities to the people of Fadama and its

environs,” a member revealed.

An executive member of the constituency who also spoke to this paper said the

successful businessman is poised to give back to society what he has gained in the

past years by making sure that the people of Okai Koi North have the full benefit of

his forty five years expertise in business and other related live experience.

“Mr. Mensah speaks a number of languages that includes Italian, English, Ewe, Twi,

Hausa and Ga which makes him a multilingual with an international influence to his

credit that can bring investors to the area to continue the developmental project he

was embarking upon as an assembly man to the whole of the OkweiKoi South

Constituency,” he continued.

In furtherance he said it has come to fore in the constituency that there are about

six gentlemen vying to become the aspirant for the ruling NDC in the Okwei Koi South

Constituency but Mr Mensah stands tall among them.

Mr. Mensah being an active, supportive and prominent member of the NDC has good

human relations which made him to have a smooth administration as the then

assembly-man for the people of Fadama and its environs and would continue in the

same vein as an aspirant for the constituency and eventually would win the seat for

NDC come 2012.

Source: The Crystal Clear Lens