
Osu Mankralo Stool debunks $500,000 false claims against Duke Essien

Osu Mankralo Story The Mankralo of Osu

Wed, 31 Jul 2024 Source:

The Mankralo Family of Osu has debunked false claims making the rounds that Duke Essien has allegedly pocketed a whopping $500,000 as compensation meant for the Osu Stool.

Right on the heels of what the family described as utter falsehood and vile propaganda, it had issued a rejoinder to defend the innocence of the businessman and further clarify the confusion or doubts in the minds of some people.

In the rejoinder, it stated that ”we are appalled by the story, given the fact that the story paints a picture of the Osu Stool and its handlers as mindless people who cannot handle their finances and would allow anyone to swindle us of our compensation.”

It continued that ”to the best of our knowledge, every transaction relative to the compensation was on the letterhead of the Osu Stool.”

Below is the full statement

We the underlisted persons who are proud indigenes Osu and have a say in matters concerning the traditional authority from the late Osu Mankralo’s family have become aware of a conscience-soothing falsehood that has been published by your newspaper, dated 17 July, 2024 under the above mentioned headline.

We are appalled by the story, given the fact that the story paints a picture of the Osu Stool and its handlers as mindless people who cannot handle their finances and would allow anyone to swindle us of our compensation.

To the best of our knowledge, every transaction relative to the compensation was on the letterhead of the Osu Stool.

It can, therefore, not be true that anybody would have an undertaken with the letterhead of the late Osu Mankralo, as is published by your newspaper paper.

The document you published, we dare say, is a letter or undertaken procured from your imagination and nothing more.

We therefore respond as follows:

That your story is not supported by the facts as it pertains to the entire compensation.

It is crucial for the public to base their opinions and decisions on accurate information, and we are sure that what you published is only a figment of your imagination and a complete falsehood.

The misleading nature of this story can cause unnecessary fear and panic.

We therefore urge the public to disregard the unfounded claims made in the article.

Sincerely yours

Nii Kumi Mensah Okyeame(late Osu Mankralo) Maxwell Lartey, Spokesperson

Samuel Nortei, son of Mankralo
