Six officers of UEW have been asked to step aside
The Governing Council of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) says its decision to request six of its officers to step aside was without prejudice to the outcome of the issues being raised in the Courts.
A statement signed by the Chairman of the Governing Council, Prof. Emmanuel N. Abakah says that the Council has taken note of opinions expressed on the ongoing litigation at both the High Court and Supreme Court and urged the general public to cross check their facts before making pronouncements on decisions taken by the Governing Council.
It said the Council has also taken such a decision in respect of the ongoing investigations being undertaken by EOCO, BNI and the Governing Council since its mandate is to protect public funds and property and ensure judicious use of funds recovered from both central government and internally generated funds.
Meanwhile persons asked to step aside as investigation continues are Prof. Mawutor Avoke Vice Chancellor, Dr. Theophilus Senyo Ackordie Finance Officer, Ms. Sena Dakey Internal Audit, Ms. Mary Dzimey Acting Head of Procurement and Ing. Daniel Tetteh Ag. Deputy Director of Works and Physical Development.