
Over 538 tenants ejected in Accra monthly - Rent Control

Thu, 18 Sep 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept 18, GNA - The Rent Control Department (RCD) says it receives more than 538 ejection cases from the Accra metropolis alone every month.

Mr Henry Badu, Rent Control Officer at the Ministry of Works and Housing, who disclosed this in an interview with the GNA said the situation, could be worse since many rent disputes did not directly fall under its jurisdiction.

Mr Badu said the cases before the Department are mainly actions of indiscipline by both landlords and tenants.

He said complainants are mainly that of tenants refusing to pay promptly their utility bills, laziness, and landlords acquiring their room for a returnee relative and also getting uncomfortable with too many visitors.

Some cases also involved tenants playing music too loud and cheating by landlords in rent payment.

Mr. Badu said, section 17 of the Rent Act states that, "there should be an agreement between landlords and tenants, anyone who infringes the agreement have to give redress to the other party".

According to him the Department has for several years settled rental disputes amicably among landlords and tenants.

If one defied an order of a Rent Officer, the case is referred to the courts for an order, he added.

Source: GNA