
Overcome the resistance to pre-paid meters - ECG

ECG Against Privatisation Consumers are to report any challenges faced during the process.

Wed, 16 Aug 2017 Source: Ghana News Agency

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has called on power consumers to overcome resistance to the installation of pre-paid meters on their property.

Mr. Godwin Ahorlu, the Project Engineer, said there was no reason for anybody to become apprehensive, adding that, this metering system would bring optimal satisfaction to electricity users.

It would give the customers control over their energy consumption, while ensuring effective collection of revenue by the company. He was speaking at a forum held at Juaso, the capital of the Asante-Akim South District. The forum, organised by the ECG, was to educate the people on the pre-paid meters, which they had started installing for consumers in the town.

He indicated that the meters had been so designed that they could detect faults in the wiring and would get power supply automatically disconnected in the event of overload for the safety of the user.

He used the occasion to counsel property owners to engage qualified electricians to wire their buildings and make sure they changed the wires in a space of every 10 years, at least.

Mr. Ahorlu reminded them that the meters were the property of the ECG and therefore not transferable from one place to another. Mr. Kwame Bosompem Banin, Area Manager for Ashanti North, cautioned against the exposure of the meter cards to excessive heat.

He also called on consumers to report to the offices of the company with any problems or challenges they might be having to get these resolved.

Source: Ghana News Agency