
Owusu Bempah and Ken Kuranchie hot

Ken Kuranchie Interview

Sat, 21 Dec 2013 Source: The Enquirer

Two members of the Saviour Church of Ghana at Osiem in the Eastern Region have given Messrs Ernest Owusu Bempah, a top member of Nana Konadu’s National Democratic Party (NDP), and Ken Agyei Kuranchie, Managing Editor of the Daily Searchlight newspaper, one week ultimatum to withdraw all disparaging remarks they have made against the leader of the church.

Mr. Bempah and Kuranchie were said to have described Opayin Abraham Kwaku Adusei, who is a Member of the Council of State, in certain terms that suggest that he is unfit to be a member of the state council.

According to Mr. Kwame Adusei and Mr. Kwaku Ankrah, the failure of the two to withdraw the accusations and unhealthy remarks against Opayin Adusei would trigger a court action.

Bempah, especially, described Opayin Adusei as a criminal who should not have been appointed as a member of the Council of State.

Source: The Enquirer