
PNC and CPP to merge?

Mon, 19 Jun 2000 Source: Joy FM

Dr Edward Mahama, leader and flag bearer of the People's National Convention (PNC), said that a merger between his party and the Convention People's Party is possible.

"Both parties remain the only two political organisations with genuine claim to the heritage of Dr Kwame Nkrumah and it will not be out of place if we should merge to win the forthcoming elections," he said. Dr Mahama was speaking to newsmen during the Brong Ahafo Regional Delegates Congress of the party at Sunyani. Delegates from all the 21 constituencies attended the congress, which saw the election of Mr Awudu Nelson, a 45 year-old mechanic as the Regional Chairman with Nana Yeboah as Vice Chairman. Dr Mahama said that the PNC is committed to a peaceful election and expressed concern over what he called "provocative actions" being perpetuated by a particular party he did not name with the view of precipitating violence. He cited the example of an incident at Saboba Chereponi in the Northern Region, in which the District Chief Executive allegedly organised some soldiers to beat up PNC supporters under the pretext that they have refused pay tax. Dr Mahama said that the deplorable state of the economy and high cost of living should tell Ghanaians that the present government has failed and should be changed. "This is a year of change and Ghanaians must be bold to vote out the present government, which has proved beyond doubt that it is incapable of solving the country's problems in spite of the huge resources at its disposal," he exhorted.

Dr Mahama said that the PNC could turn Ghana into "a comfortable place to live" if it is given power since its economic blue print - Operation Self Reliance (OSR), has answers to the economic problems of the country. He added, "Under OSR, the government of PNC will introduce subsidies to boost agricultural production and roll out a red carpet to Ghanaians living abroad to come home with their expertise and money to help rebuild the country."

Source: Joy FM