
PPP holds anti-corruption demo

Students Yentua Demo

Thu, 3 Oct 2013 Source: XYZ

The much awaited anti-corruption demonstration by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been staged with a call on public office holders to be accountable in the management of public funds.

Supporters of the party said it was right to hold the demonstration at this time especially as the Mahama-led government and security officials have through several fronts, stifled the right of the citizens to demonstrate.

Protesters converged on the Obra Spot at Kwame Nkrumah Circle at exactly 7 a.m., and marched through some of the principal streets of Accra.

The anti-corruption crusade has offered several suggestions it believes will help fix the country’s broken system.

Addressing the crowd, Mr. Doworkpor, spokesperson of the PPP, outlined the issues as;

Turn the Office of Attorney-General into an Independent Prosecutor’s Office separate from the Ministry of Justice so that, that Office is removed from the negative influence of partisan politics.

Separate the Legislature (Parliament) from the Executive (Presidency) so that effective checks and balance can occur.

Set up a non-partisan National Commission to examine all judgment debt claims and settlements in the Fourth Republic with the aim to prepare recommendations to drastically reduce the incidence of negotiated settlements and judgment debts.

Remove the “hand” of the Executive (Presidency) from the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies and take away the opportunity for partisan patronage from the center.

Establish a Ministry of Public Service to continuously seek improvement in the way work is done and take steps to strengthen public institutions.

Source: XYZ