
Parade to mark 53rd Independence Anniversary held in Cape Coast

Sat, 6 Mar 2010 Source: GNA

Cape Coast, March 6, GNA - A total of 780 students and pupils, 64 teachers with 180 cadets took part in a parade to mark the 53rd Independence Anniversary at the Jubilee Park, in Cape Coast, on Saturday. In attendance was the Ghana National Senior High School Choir, which treated the large number of celebrants, including Ministers of State, MPs and party officials to some patriotic songs and choral music, with admiration.

The Central Regional Minister, Mrs. Ama Benyiwa-Doe, took the salute and later in an address, urged the youth to channel their youthful exuberance to serve mother Ghana, rather than risking their lives to seek "greener pastures" in vain elsewhere.

She observed that the challenges of the nation were enormous, but added that with courage, fortitude and the same determination that inspired "our forefathers to deliver us from colonial bondage," they could be overcome.

Mrs Benyiwa-Doe said the government is putting in place a comprehensive youth policy to accord the youth the opportunity to contribute their quota for the needed accelerated development towards the "Better Ghana Agenda".

Parents should take advantage of the School Feeding Programme, free school uniforms and free textbooks for selected schools in deprived areas to educate their children, she emphasized.

She advised Ghanaians to use the occasion to soberly reflect on how the nation would develop and to eschew negative activities undermine national growth.

These include illegal mining, reckless use of chemicals for fishing, over exploitation of the environment, corruption and malingering at the work place, indiscipline and reckless driving.

Certificates were awarded to schools which excelled in the march past with Saint Lawrence Primary School in Cape Coast taking the first position in the primary category, followed by Saint Monica's and the Flowers Gay School for second and third positions respectively. In the Junior High School category, Montessori School was adjudged the best, with AME Zion School taking the second position while Antem LA School was the second runner up.

Oguaa Secondary Technical was first in the Senior High School level, Mfantsipim School was second and the third position went to Adisadel College. The celebration is on the theme, "Investing in the Youth for a Better Ghana.

Source: GNA