
Parliament ratifies the establishment of a Pan-African Parliament

Tue, 26 Aug 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 26, GNA - Parliament by 103 votes on Tuesday ratified the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community relating to the Pan-African Parliament.

The objective of the Pan-African Parliament was to ensure that the people of Africa are sensitised about policies and initiatives aimed at integrating them and economies of Africa within the framework of the African Union.

It would facilitate the effective implementation of the policies and objectives of the African Union and promote peace, security and stability.

It would also encourage good governance, transparency and accountability in member states as well as facilitate co-operation among regional economic communities and their parliamentary forums.

According to the Protocol, five members, at least one of whom should be a woman will represent each member state.

The representation of each member state must reflect the diversity of political opinion in each national Parliament.

Giving the background to the idea of establishing the Pan-African Parliament, Mr Kwabena Adusa Okerchiri, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Constitutional, Legal and Parliament Affairs said the demise of the Cold War has partly given rise to an unprecedented wave of democratisation and good governance throughout the developing world and in Africa in particular.

This phenomenon has undoubtedly created an enabling environment for African Heads of State and Governments to introduce democratic ideals in the continental union as a way of speeding up the integration of their people in the quest for economic and political development.

"African Heads of State expressed great desire to have these institutions in place within the shortest possible time and it is evident in the series of summits of the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

Source: GNA