Accra, Oct.22, GNA - Parliament reconvened on Tuesday with a heavy schedule of the Agenda for the Third Meeting that includes presentation and consideration of Bills, Instruments, Papers and a number of questions to be asked by members.
The 20 Bills include Payment Systems, Minerals, Insolvency, Procurement, University of Education, Winneba, Arms and Ammunition, Prisons Service, Banking, Geographical indications, Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits and Industrial Designs.
The rest are Trade Marks Bill, Patent Bill, Copyright Bill, Interpretation Bill, Right of Information Bill, Alternative Dispute Resolution Bill Central Internal Audit Agency Bill, Kimberly Process Certificate Bill and the Judiciary Expenditure Bill.
The six Instruments are the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Regulations, 2003 L.I. 1731, Petroleum (Amendment) Regulations, 2003 L.I. 1732, Land Title Registration - Declaration of Registration District (Greater Accra District 022) Instrument, 2003 L.I. 1733, the Adoption Rules, 2003 C.I.42 and Civil Proceedings (Fees and Allowances) (Amendment) Rules 2003, C.I 43.
The eight Papers for presentation include Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana (Ministries, Departments and other Agencies) of the Central Government for the year ended 31st December 2000.
Report of the Auditor-General on the District Assemblies and Traditional Councils for the period ended 31st December 2000 and the Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana (ministries, Departments and other Agencies) for the year ended 31st December 1998.
Report of the Auditor-General on the Accounts of the District Assemblies Common Fund for the year ended 31st December 1996 and the Report of the Auditor-General on the Public Accounts of Ghana (Public Boards, Corporations and other Statutory Institutions) for the three year period ended 31st December 1999.
The rest are Buyer Credit Facility Agreement between the Republic of Ghana and Fortis Bank of the Netherlands for an amount of 9,470,030.00 Euros for the Odaw Drainage Improvement Works (lot three) under the Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (UESP). A request for tax and duty exemptions of 3,920,599 Euros on specified items for the execution of the project under the agreement.
Report of the Auditor-General on the Statement of Foreign Exchange Receipts and Payments of the Bank of Ghana for the Four Half Years of 1999 and 2000 and request by the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning for power to waive such taxes and duties.
It is also to exempt the payment of such taxes and duties totaling 104,718,623 Yens on materials, equipment and services to be imported in respect of the electrification of Nyinahin and surrounding towns in Atwima District.
During the Meeting 13 Urgent Questions are to be asked sector Ministers of Women and Children's Affairs, Interior, Health, Works and Housing, Roads and transport Tourism and Modernisation of the capital City Food and Agriculture and Local Government and Rural Development.
The Minister of Roads and Transport tops the list to answer 86 questions to be asked by members followed the Ministry of Interior, 25 questions, Education, Youth and Sports 21, Energy, 14, Health, 13, Works and Housing, 12 questions.
The Minister of Communications, nine, Trade, Industry and Special Presidential Initiatives, Women and Children's Affairs and Local Government and Rural Development, five each, Food and Agriculture four, Finance and Economic Planning, Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Manpower Development and Employment and Environment and Science, three each.
The Ministers of Information, Parliamentary Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Ports, Harbours and Railways as well as Defense are to answer a question each.