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Parliament to discuss anti-LGBTQ+ bill despite Supreme Court orders

94120147 Parliament of Ghana | File photo

Sun, 25 Jun 2023 Source:

The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Joseph Osei-Owusu has directed the Business Committee of the House to draft the anti-gay bill into next week’s agenda for deliberation.

The deliberation on the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill was supposed to have been held this week.

However, upon enquiry from a sponsor of the Bill, Sam Nartey George, there have been two lawsuits filed against it.

One is said to have been filed at the Supreme Court while the other at the High Court.

After presenting the explanatory memorandum on the business statement schedule for next week the First Deputy Speaker and the Member of Parliament for Bekwai constituency declared that there is going to be a debate on the bill on either Tuesday or Thursday.

The Deputy Speaker directed the business committee to ensure that the bill will appear in the order paper.

However, the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin has been an ardent opponent to the activities of homosexuals in the country.

In his recent tour of the northern region of Ghana to mark 30 years of parliamentary democracy, the former lawmaker told journalists that he will prefer to die than to see activities of gays and lesbians legalized.

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