
Parliament to sit on Mondays

Parliament House Ghana Parliament Parliament of Ghana

Sat, 6 Jul 2024 Source: GNA

Parliament will, from Monday, July 15, begin sittings on Mondays for the remaining period of the Third Meeting of the Fourth Session, Patricia Appiagyei, the Deputy Majority Leader, has announced.

The House, which usually sits from Tuesdays to Fridays, will now include sittings on Mondays to enable it to complete some outstanding business.

Presenting the Statement for the week ending Friday, July 12, Appiagyei said that in view of the volume of business pending before the House for consideration, the Business Committee of Parliament had proposed that the House commence sitting each day at 10:00 hours prompt and have extended sittings, starting from the week under consideration.

To complement the extended sitting, the Committee also wished to put Members on notice that the House would be programmed to sit on Mondays, starting from Monday, July 15.

She said the foregoing arrangements were expected to enable the expeditious consideration of outstanding business before the Meeting ends.

Appiagyei said that in the ensuing week, nine ministers were expected to attend the House to answer 72 questions—nine urgent and 63 orals.

She said the Business Committee, considering the paucity of the sitting days remaining before adjourning sine die, urged Committees with referrals to expedite work on them and present their reports for consideration by the House.

Source: GNA
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