
Parties, Public speak on 45th Republic Day

Fri, 1 Jul 2005 Source: Joy

The ruling New Patriotic Party has asked Ghanaians to renew their faith in the government of President John Kufuor, as they celebrate the 45th anniversary of the country?s republican status.

In a statement, the party also urged Ghanaians to continue contributing in diverse ways to make the nation great and prosperous.

The NPP statement said Ghana has made great strides in all fields, justifying the decision 45 years ago to make the country a truly independent nation.

But the Convention People?s Party (CPP) does not think that much has been achieved.

In a statement, the CPP, which led Ghana to independence in 1957, expressed concern about the economic difficulties in the country.

The CPP said all its achievements in the early years of independence have been negated.

So what do ordinary Ghanaians think? JOY NEWS has been finding out.

But some Ghanaians believe there is not much to boast about after 45 years of a Republican status.

A JOY News sample in Accra indicates people are generally not happy at the spate of development of the country.

?We have achieved democracy but there is too much bureaucracy in the system. If you want to set up a business, you have to pay this, pay that. At the end of the day your capital is gone?, a businesswoman said.

?Who is helping who at what time? Democracy is good but the bureaucracy is pulling us back?, another said.

? We have achieved a lot. In the area of immunisation, we have done something. In the area of education, I think we have done something as well. But we need to a national agenda that will tell us where we are going. Currently we don?t know where we are a heading to as a nation?, a teacher said.

?I think we can do a better job than we are doing now. We still import toothpicks and pencils. We have to sit up?, a lady said.

?There is peace and stability. This is good for development. But as a people we?ve not done much judging from the level of nepotism and tribalism in the system. It is endemic?, some young people said.

Source: Joy