
Pastor appeals to Christians create the ideal environment

Mon, 15 Mar 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, March 15, GNA - A pastor has appealed to Christians to create a healthy environment that would develop them to develop their talents and their skills. He said God created every individual uniquely and endowed him with special abilities but this purpose would only be realised when the Christian exercised good judgment about who he or she "associates with, what he or she listens to and what he or she watches."

The Rev Samuel Asante Wiafe, the Assistant Superintendent Minister of the Accra North District of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), said this when he delivered a sermon at first anniversary service of the Ritz Assembly, near Adenta.

It was on the theme: "Fulfilling Your Purpose." Rev. Asante Wiafe said the influence of bad friends undermine progress while bad communication corrupts the soul. "If you want to foretell your future status, look at the character of your friends today because if you don't change them, they will change you." Christians, he said, must therefore choose and hang out with people who w ould help them to nurture their talents and maximise their potential.

"Not everyone with a cross around his neck has Christ in his heart and not everyone who professes Christ is working with the power of the Holy Spirit. You should also be wary of leaders who play God and sell the gifts they have so freely received from the Holy Spirit to enrich themselves." Rev. Asante Wiafe said in an era of media pluralism, the Christian must critically discern what to listen to and what to watch because negative media content would generate negative thinking and derogatory attitudes and actions.

Rev. Asante Wiafe told the story of the biblical Prodigal son who took his inheritance from his father and squandered his wealth with bad company and behaviour. He said if the son had chosen the right partners and focused on the things of God, he would have rather multiplied his fortunes. "Unlike the materials we use, life has no spare and it is too short to waste," he said.

Pastor Justice Samuel Forchie, the Resident Minister of the Ritz Assembly, advised Christians to embrace challenges as a normal part of life as they could not be wished away. He said with prayer and hard work, the challenges would be surmounted and the victim would be better off like gold that has been refined with fire.

Recounting the story of the beginning of the Assembly, Pastor Forchie said he looked for a place for nearly a year without success until the proprietor of the Alma Community School offered its premise to be used for free.

"With an initial membership of nine, we are now more than 50 and the Lord is gradually bringing his people," he said. Next year, he said, would be spent under the anniversary's theme: "Experiencing Growth and Total Commitment." Pastor Forchie said in furtherance of this evangelism, fellowship, prayers and other activities would be organised to promote spiritual and numerical growth of members and expressed the hope that the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit would also multiply. A week-long prayer and fasting programme preceded the service.

Source: GNA