
Pastor says Christians must stay connected to God

Wed, 1 Jan 2014 Source: GNA

Reverend Prince Sam Achin, Head Pastor of the Change Life Baptist Church has called on Christians to stay divinely connected to God to receive His abundant favour in 2014.

He said people who relied on human beings were bound to face problems since these contacts could sometimes be limited.

Rev. Prince Achin was speaking at the 31st December Watch Night Service of the Church at North Kaneshie, Accra. His sermon was on: “Stay divinely connected” and that divine connections were limitless.

Rev. Achin, who based his sermon on Genesis13, stated that when Abraham and his nephew, Lot, were leaving Egypt to the land that God promised Abraham, they had nothing.

He said because Abraham was divinely connected, God blessed him and he became wealthy in sheep, goats, silver and gold.

He said Lot, Abraham's nephew, also became rich because he was connected to Abraham who was connected to God. However, when Lot left Abraham and went to live near Sodom and Gomorrah he lost everything because he was no more divinely connected to Abraham.

Rev. Achin said many Christians, during Watch Night Services, would go to church to make resolutions to God to bless them, but after those promises had been fulfilled, these same people would be pretending to be too busy to do God’s work.

He urged Christians to remain divinely connected to God to continue to receive his blessings in the coming year.

Source: GNA