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Patriotic Professionals International Ghana launched

Ppi Launch2 Patriotic Professionals International was relaunched on Friday 30th June at the Mensvic hotel

Tue, 4 Jul 2017 Source: Francis Opare Gyau

Patriotic Professionals International (Ghana), like many advocacy groups that emerged during the 2016 elections of the Republic of Ghana to support or push the ideologies of political parties, has re-branded after the elections and was relaunched on Friday 30th June at the Mensvic hotel.

The focus of the relaunch is to encourage and instill patriotism in their target audience through advocacy and charitable projects.

The theme for the occasion was "Mobilize and Empower through Patriotism”, a theme that the President of PPI Ghana, Eric Nartey Yeboah, spoke passionately about and indicated that the focus of the NGO from now will be on charitable projects and advocacy on all inclusive governance.

The president stated that as part of the direction of PPI Ghana now will concentrate more on rural areas, deprived communities who have a voice but cannot be heard in the areas of been the mouthpiece of these communities and even providing legal assistance and representation to the less privileged.

President of PPI Ghana Mr Nartey Yeboah stated that the reason for having professionals is because they form the economic backbone of every country's economy and therefore it's the right time to fall on such people and get their involvement to help shape the future of this country.

He said the future of this country is in their hands and it was about time PPI Ghana organization see to it that we get good materials in parliament and other places of influence devoid of partisan colours or ethnicity.

The occasion saw a cross-section of professionals, government officials religious and traditional leaders at the event. The special guest of honour was Deputy Majority Chief Whip, Moses Anim, who in his speech said this is very important to him because the relaunch of PPI Ghana into a non partisan advocacy organization is what the country needs at this critical stage of economic crisis and unemployment among the youth because patriotism is a unifier and very important.

The chairperson for the occasion was the affable Deputy Greater Accra Regional Minister, Elizabeth Sackey and MP for Ablekuma Central, Ebenezer Nartey, who also lauded the agenda of PPI Ghana say as a country we are at a point where for development to move across the length and breadth of Ghana with speed, we need patriotic citizens and not partisan, ethnocentrism and religious politics which divides us and sets our minds at parallel with important issues of national interest.

The launch was a successful event due to the cross section of dignitaries and professionals across the length and breadth of this country who graced the occasion and supported by pledging to be patriotic and not spectators.

Source: Francis Opare Gyau