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Pentecost Professionals Network inaugurated

Walker Aud The groupings were initiated by some individuals in line with Vision 2023 of the Church

Thu, 13 Jun 2019 Source: Pentecost News

The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has inaugurated the various professional groupings in the Church to help champion the “Possessing the Nations” agenda of the Church.

The inauguration of the novelty which is christened Pentecost Professionals Network (PPN), took place at a mammoth ceremony held at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa on Saturday, June 8, 2019.

The outdoor professional groupings include The Church of Pentecost Health Professionals Network COPHNet, Pentecost Built Environment Guild, Pentecost Media Guild, Pentecost Finance/Banking Guild, Pentecost Educationists Guild, Pentecost Judicial Workers Guild, Pentecost Business Men and Women Network, Pentecost Music/Entertainment Guild, Pentecost IT Guild, and Pentecost Hospitality Guild.

The groupings were initiated by some individuals in line with Vision 2023 of the Church which centres on equipping and deploying the members to affect every sphere of society with values and principles of the Kingdom of God.

Addressing members of the guilds, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said the groups are to serve as equipping platforms for the members and to position them to be channels of love through whom God’s divine resources will flow to meet the needs and the helplessness of the society.

“Through these platforms, we believe an enabling environment shall be created for our members across the nation to consciously minister to their various spheres of influence with the aim of contributing to the needed change Vision 2023 envisions for the nation.

“Witnessing this day, therefore, makes my heart glad, knowing well that our members have caught the spirit of the vision and are ready to run with it. By this, I see a church very much ready to focus a lot more attention on the practice of being God’s representative on earth,” he said.

According to the Chairman, for the Church to be able to transform the spiritual, social, economic and political fabric of the nations, “we will have to pay attention to being the salt and light in this perverse world.”

“We believe that the destiny of our nations is in the hands of the Church. Vision 2023 therefore challenges us to move beyond seeing Sunday services as the arena for serving God and to see every sphere of our influence as a setting for ministry. True ministry should not be limited to the five-fold ministry or the pulpit ministry. Every member of the Church is therefore encouraged to see him/herself as an agent of transformation in every sphere of our involvements in society.”

He stated that, it is the responsibility of Christians to ensure that society feel the powerful transforming influence of the Church. He added that for the glory of God to fill all the earth, it is necessary that the truth and the principles of God’s Kingdom become pillars on which all of society rest.

The Chairman, therefore, called on all Area Heads and District Ministers to organize their members into various fields of employment such as dressmakers, artisans, farmers, traders, businessmen and women, beauticians, drivers, hospitality, etc. at the Area, District and Local levels with the same purpose of equipping them to contribute to the transformational agenda of vision 2023.

“All Heads are kindly directed to ensure that these groups are inaugurated at the area and district levels,” he directed.

As part of the ceremony, interim leader of the various professional groupings was sworn into office.

Meanwhile, a 16-point draft code of conduct prescribed by the leadership of the Church has been developed to guide the operations of the various professional guilds.

As part of the code of conduct, members of the various Professional Groups should demonstrate the highest degree of enviable attributes such as honesty, integrity, discipline and humane perspective at all times; members must endeavour at all times to be in good standing with their respective regulatory or professional bodies; members should.

Source: Pentecost News