
Petition To The Inspector General Of Police-

Sun, 13 Feb 2011 Source: --


Police conspired with A.G’s driver to intimidate teachers over a rubber bucket leading to the closure of T.I Schools in the Wa Municipality.

We the staff and management of T.I Ahmadiyya Junior High School wish to register our dismay at the conduct of some policemen in the Upper West Region. In as much as we respect and can not down play the invaluable role played by the police service in insuring the safety of the people of Ghana, we however think much is desired in the service to make it more efficient and effective in delivering the much needed services to all Ghanaians.

On Wednesday, 2nd February, 2011 at about 4pm a deliquent child purported to be the daughter of one Mr. Sylvester Achonga, was spotted attempting to break into our borehole and when we advanced closer to the scene, she and other such children bolted leaving their containers for the 4th time after succeding on three consecutive occassions. We however thought it prudent not to pile our office with water containers whose owners will never avail to pick them up.

Consequencially, on the 3rd of this same month thus, the next day at about 10am, two uniform policemen with handcuffs led by one ……… Ivor together with the said parent stormed the school premises to arrest the headmaster who was by then attending a headmasters meeting in town. Members of staff who were present had to all move to the police to ask of their mission and by so doing, our children felt threatened upon seeing a policeman in uniform which in its self is against the code of the Ghana Education Service. As curious as one can think of a school child, these children left their classrooms to see what was hapening between their teachers and the police. Mr ………ivor finally left his conplementary card with a female staff of the school which he ignorantly referred to as an invitation to the police, in any case a complementary card is for one’s personal errands. However multiple efforts made to reach out to the numbers on the complementary card proved futile.

On the 7th, of February,2011 two gentlemen Ivor and Asante who claimed they were coming from the criminal investigation division (C.I.D) of the Ghana Polivce Service without any I.D. brought some leaflets captioned “court summon” inviting our headmaster to face the court and again, the head was not around. The identities of the said policemen were not shown. We the few staff members who were around could not take the summon note on behalf of the headmaster because the crux of the summon letter was not acsertained. Unfortunately,they described one of the acused they came to summon as moslem-like in apearance which we find as an unsavory statement from a peace officer and an indictment on the Islamic faith.

On the 9th of February, 2011. The staff of the school with our pupils’ were at the court premises to witness proceedings. Surprisingly, the court was not even aware of the summon. One can not imagine how a police C.I.D could give a court summon without registering the case in court. With this development, one can without any uncertainty deduce that the whole case was a calculated attempt by the two police C.I.Ds and the complainant to intimidate the teachers of the school. Just for a rubber bucket, a group of armed policemen arrived at the magistrate court premises to intimidate teachers and molest the juvenile school children who were there to give solidarity to their teachers telling them their presents was unlawful. We have videos and pictures to substantiate this allegation.

We still suspect further foul plays in this matter so we are calling on the authorities to do something about it. The ordinary citizens have lost trust and confidence in the police service and this has led to the overburdening of the military in dealing with internal security matters as well as diligent discharge of their lawful duties without fear or favour. We shall resist any attempts by the police to divert procedure or intimidate us even, if it will involve seeking the services of Anas Armiyaw Anas to investigate in to this matter.

It is our wish that these two policemen be transferred from the upper wests region where they referred to as CAMBODIA. They have personalised the matter to the extent that they can twist the facts to the Regional commander without the prior consent of the complainant. It is not the ports alone that there is rot in Ghana, but the police service is another entity that uses the tax payers’ money and the constitution to perpetrate crime, with the understanding that most citizens are ignorant about the law, but not the TEACHER. How on this land can a police issue court summons when the case is not registered at the court?, when has policemen decided to be using comlementary cards as invitation to citizens to the police station?, Why is it that the Regional Crime officer dominates all the cases in wa police station both civil and criminal?, finally is it that we donot have proactive police commanders to save these situations and ensure proper, better and trustworthy policing in the Upper West Region?

A nation that does not place priority to her teachers will certainly produce inefficient and insensitive security personnels.

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