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Police Officers help drug pusher escape

Tue, 7 May 2002 Source:  

Two officers at the Osu Police station in Accra are facing a service enquiry for allegedly aiding a suspected drug pusher, Carmela Warren Toni, to escape from custody. The officers, Corporal Patrick Mensah and Constable Eunice Ankrah, claim to have fallen asleep shortly after they had brought the suspect out of cell. They told their officers that the suspect was taken out of her cell when she feigned sickness.

Two officers at the Osu Police station in Accra are facing a service enquiry for allegedly aiding a suspected drug pusher, Carmela Warren Toni, to escape from custody. The officers, Corporal Patrick Mensah and Constable Eunice Ankrah, claim to have fallen asleep shortly after they had brought the suspect out of cell. They told their officers that the suspect was taken out of her cell when she feigned sickness. But their story has not convinced the police administration who are also demanding answers to why the two officers failed to report the escape to their superiors. The escape of Miss Toni became public only after the investigator and officials of the Narcotics Control Board had gone to police station to take her to court. Carmela Warren Toni, was arrested at the Kotoka International Airport on the 26th of March with 172 grams of cocaine.
