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Police officer turns midwife; helps nursing mother deliver baby in car

Baby Covid Credit The incident happened in the Central Region.

Wed, 15 Jul 2020 Source:

A Police Officer, Lance Corporal Emmanuel Kwamena Bartels, has been praised by many on social media for performing the duty of a midwife and helping an expectant mother deliver a baby boy in a vehicle.

The Police officer in the video which was aired on Angel 102.9 FM’s Evening News on Thursday said, he was stationed at the area to help direct traffic when the incident occurred.

“While directing traffic, I saw the woman by the roadside crying for help and drawing lots of attention so I was moved to help her…,” he narrated in an interview with Kofi Adomah.

Lance Corporal Kwamena Bartels added that the husband of the expectant mother had already gone to town in search of a commercial vehicle which would take her to the hospital to deliver.

“I was moved with compassion to help her so I moved my vehicle and asked her to sit in the vehicle…she couldn’t help herself so I decided to help her with the delivery process…,” he added.
