
Police to lay off bad personnel

Mon, 31 May 2010 Source: GNA

Wa, May 31, GNA - The Police Administration will soon embark on an image cleansing exercise to lay off the bad personnel in the service, Mr John Kudalor, Director General in charge of Operations has said. He said this would allow room for more committed and qualified peopl e who would see policing as service to humanity to be recruited into the service.

Mr Kudalor said this when he addressed a section of the police personnel and the media at the Upper West Regional Police Headquarters in Wa on Monday.

He said policing was a calling and therefore only those who were cal led should be given the opportunity to serve and not people who were simply seeking for jobs or for other non-professional reasons. Mr Kudalor said the police administration was working hard to ensure

the welfare of police personnel and announced that government had release d funds for the completion of the police accommodation structures in all th e regions. He called on the police officers to be very professional and disciplined in the discharge of their duties in order to earn public trus t for themselves and the entire police service. According to Mr Kudalor, a training policy had also been put in plac e to train police personnel before sending them to conflict prone areas to keep the peace.

On police media relations, he said a mechanism would be put in place to let police personnel understand who was responsible to talk to the media when it came to information dissemination. He said this would ensure a more accurate and truthful dissemination of information about the activities of the police by the media. He said information dissemination was very important and critical an d should therefore come from the right persons and urged the media to also ensure that the right people were contacted before going public. Mr Roy Amuni, Upper West Regional Police Commander, commended the me dia for their quick response to his invitation though at a very short notice. He emphasized that an excellent relationship between the police and the media was the best way for fighting crime and appealed to the media not t o hesitate to contact him for any information. Sualah Abdul Wahab, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation correspondent for

the Upper West Region, lamented the stress media personnel sometimes went

through in the hands of the police either to find or confirm a piece of information. He therefore appealed to the Regional Commander to ensure that the situation was addressed in order to make the work easy for both the polic e and the media.

Source: GNA