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Politicians have indeed harmed Ghanaians - Kennedy Agyapong admits

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Thu, 22 Jun 2023 Source:

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central and a flagbearer hopeful of the New Patriotic Party, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, has confessed that Ghanaian politicians have endangered the citizens of the country.

The politician emphasised that there are lots of resources that remain unutilised for the development of the country, and that's because politicians have turned a blind eye.

The Assin Central MP, Kennedy Agyapong, made this statement when he was speaking to his supporters during the filing of his nomination as a presidential candidate for the New Patriotic Party.

"Going round, so far I've visited 180 constituencies, and I've come to realise that we as politicians have done a disservice to the nation with the arable lands, rivers, and sea that God has given to us. We are endowed with so many minerals and a lot of opportunities in this country. But everywhere you go, especially in the Volta Region, the resources there are untapped. And I want Ghanaians to give me the opportunity and challenge me, that, I will make sure I turn the fortunes of this country around," he said.

Kennedy Agyapong, however, stated that he has the prerequisite and charisma to carry Ghana to another level of unprecedented development and growth should he be elected as the NPP flagbearer and subsequently voted for as the president of the country.

"I don't believe in theory. I'm a pragmatic person. I believe in practical things. What I saw in Volta Region, what I saw in Afram Plains area, and Northern Region, believe me that we can change this country.

"We have arable lands in Volta Region. They have an advantage, and I'm surprised that they have always voted for NDC and they don't do anything. Because the proximity of Volta Region to the seaport; to the airport, gives them advantage over every other region in the country. I visited there, and I saw Mount Afadjato, the caves, the water bodies like the Oti River and Lake Volta, the sea itself, and the arable lands so flat that we can cultivate millions of acres and come up with agro-processing industries. I think this is the way to go," he continued.

Kennedy Agyapong submitted his nomination form at the NPP headquarters on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.

He joins a list of six NPP flagbearer hopefuls who have also submitted their

nomination forms.

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