
Polygamous Africans are spreading Aids - JJ

Thu, 28 Mar 2002 Source: The star (SA)

Ezulwini, Swaziland - African men and their "polygamous lives" were to blame for the spread of Aids, said former Ghanaian president Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings on Wednesday.

And foreign heads of state should be speaking to the youth of other countries, because they would listen to them rather than their own leaders, he added.

The former president is visiting Swaziland in his capacity as the Eminent Person of the United Nations in the year of volunteerism against HIV and Aids.

'Men in Africa have continued to abuse the liberty given to them' He said there was a need for greater use of drugs that reduced the effects of the virus and appealed to the donor community to provide these freely.

"The disease is the largest killer in Africa. Let us lead responsible lifestyles to curb its spread," he warned.

Rawlings accused African men of being responsible for spreading the disease, saying that under the disguise of culture and traditions, they engaged in polygamous lives.

"For far too long, men in Africa have continued to abuse the liberty given to them by their wives. We must learn to create a relationship based on trust, kindness and love rather than one based on fear and monetary considerations," he said.

He also appealed to the youth to avoid drug and alcohol abuse that could lead to them contracting the virus and called on countries such as Swaziland, which still stick to outdated traditions, to do away with them. - Independent Foreign Service

Source: The star (SA)