
Pope Francis Should be Overthrown

Thu, 1 Aug 2013 Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini/Uhuru Times

Pope Francis Should be Overthrown by Vatican for Endorsing Gays and Lesbians --- Say's Ghanaian-Born "America's Mandela"

Pope Francis, who is Pro-Gay, should be overthrown in a (Peaceful, and Non-Violent Bloodless Coup by the Vatican), for endorsing Gays, and Lesbians, which could encourage a (few) Homosexual Priests to continue their Criminal Acts of Sodomising innocent Children, according to former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, reverred by his Die-Hard Supporters around the World as "AMERICA'S MANDELA".

The Political Prophet's new Church, "Rich Souls Salvation Chapel", has vowed to use the Holy Bible, and the Blood of Jesus, to protect, and defend the whole World from the bullying, and forceful threats of Neo-Colonialists' exportation of Gayism, and Lesbianism, led by British Prime Minister, David Cameron; and "our African Lost Brother", President Barack Obama, as well as Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu, etc, etc.

Pope Francis was recently quoted as saying that he cannot judge Gays, and Lesbians who have accepted God.

"Osama Bin Laden accepted Allah, but still terrorized the World !!!", the Intellectual Politician publicly reminded Pope Francis

" Would Pope Francis say that he cannot judge Terrorists if they accept God yet, continue to terrorize innocent People ?", the Philosopher asked.

The Fair-Minded, and Good Samaritan Politician called for Prayer Vigils Around the World to deliver Gays, and Lesbians from Satan who has wickedly made them deviant, and sexually abnormal, so that they can fully recover and become Straight Human Beings, like Biblical Adam and Eve --- condemning un-necessary, and barbaric violence against any group of People, even if they are unfortunately, Mentally-Retarded like Gays, and Lesbians who need Psychiatric help, not un-necessary violence, or discrimination.

The International Politician also, publicly appealed to the Vatican to immediately appoint a Conservative Pope, for example, a Conservative African Pope, who will strongly (oppose, and condemn) Homosexual Priests molesting innocent Children.

”An African Pope like Cardinal Appiah Turkson, will abolish the evils of Sodom, and Gomorrah’s Homosexuality, and allow Priests, and Nuns to marry, in order to (prevent) the temptation of Satanic acts of Homosexuality”, said the Roman Catholic Politician, who also has his own Private Business Church called Rich Souls Salvation Church, which preaches “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and second, Money Power, or Wealth, through appropriate and legal means to help yourself, your family, your Community, and the Poor”.

The Political Prophet reminded Pope Francis, Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu, and those supporting Gays, and Lesbians like British Prime Minister, Cameron, and President Barack Obama, that “without marriage between Men, and Women, as the Bible, Torrah, and Koran approve, these Satanic, Socially Deviant, and Mentally-Retarded Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexuals, and Tran-Sexuals who introduced Aids in this World, would (not) have been born.

The Moralist Politician is the Founder of (Straight Men, and Women Alliance for Human Rights Protection), a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to preserving Marriage only between Men, and Women, or Marriage only between Adam, and Eve.

Meanwhile, the Conservative Politician, Cum Political Prophet, and Founder of Rich Souls Salvation Church, has embarked on Fund-Raising Tours Across America, and a Tour around the World, to speak at Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Temples; University Campuses, etc, etc, to preserve the Values of Marriage, and (Dating only between a Man, and a Woman), or between Adam and Eve, and can be contacted via Email: KwameMayor@Yahoo.Com, or by calling (+562) 489-4010 USA.

The Fair-Minded Politician said that although he is absolutely (100%) against the practice of Lesbians, and Gays, and his future Government in Ghana, will absolutely (never) endorse, or promote the Mental Illness, and Satanism of Gayism, and Lesbianism, nevertheless, for (Humanitarian concerns), his future Government will absolutely (oppose) violence against any Group of People, whether they are Mentally-Retarded Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexuals, or Tran-Sexuals, and furthermore, his future Pan-Africanist, and Pro-American Government, will absolutely (not) discriminate against any Group of People in their pursuit for Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Natural Rights to Life, Freedom, Liberty, Employment, Housing, Jobs, Healthcare, etc, etc.

The leader of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition (GAC), and Coalition of Africans Abroad (CAA) also, publicly condemned the Blasphemous statement of the disgraced Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu, who said that he prefers to go to Hell, instead of Heaven, if God Almighty is Anti-Gay.

The Civil Rights, and Human Rights Legend in his own right, appealed to all Christians, Jews, and Moslems, etc, etc, around the World to immediately condemn Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu who committed serious Blasphemy when he insulted God Almighty by saying that he would not worship God, [if] God Almighty is against the evils of Homosexuality, and that he (Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu), would rather go to Hell, instead of Heaven, if God Almighty is opposed to the evils of Homosexuality.

The Pan-Africanist and Pro-American Democracy Activist furthermore, condemned Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu for comparing ‘Apartheid Holocaust’ with Homosexuality.

”The horrors, and evils of Jewish Holocaust cannot be compared with the evils of Homosexuality, in the same way as the horrors and evils of Slavery cannot be compared with the evils of Homosexuality. Therefore, the horrors and evils of Apartheid, cannot be compared with the evils of Homosexuality”, said the Ghanaian-born “America’s Mandela”.

[IN ANOTHER DEVELOPMENT]: ———----------------——————--

“AMERICA’S MANDELA”, has publicly called for the immediate arrest of British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and “Our African Lost Brother” — President Barack Obama, [if] they break the Laws against Homosexuality in any Country, especially African Countries which are legally opposed to the evils of Homosexuality of exporting ‘Chemical Weapons of Gayism”, and “Lesbianism Weapons of Mass Destruction”, which have the capabilities of ending the Human Race.

”British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and President Barack Obama could be arrested anytime they arrive on African Soil for trying to impose “Homosexual Crimes Against Humanity” on the Continent of Africa, which could destroy the Civilized African Cultural Values, Traditions, Morality and Ethics”, said the Iconic Politician, and Intellectual Giant, at the turn of the New Millennium, who made history as the first indigenous African to run for a higher Public Office in the history of United States, since America gained its Independence from Great Britain in 1776.

The International Politician again, publicly endorsed Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe to save Africa from Neo-Colonialism of Gayism, and Lesbianiasm being forced on the Black Race by British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is on record of threatening to export Homosexuality all over the World, and President Barack Obama, who is forcing his [own] African Brothers, and Sisters to embrace Homosexuality, which is an abomination to the Cultural, Traditional, Moral, and Ethical Values of Africans.

“It’s time for We Africans, and the whole Black Race to build Nuclear Bombs to protect our Culture, Traditions, and Moral Values, and to ensure Racial Equilibrium with “our White Brothers, and Sisters”, and also, to ensure Political, and Economic Equilibrium of Super Power status, which would definately deter Imperialists from imposing their Neo-Colonialism of the evils of Gayism, and Lesbianism on the Continent of Africa”, said the Ghanaian-born “America’s Mandela”.

Regarding his endorsement of Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe, the Politician said he would have endorsed the Opposition leader, Morgan, since its time for Mugabe to step down, and allow Africans in Zimbabwe to also enjoy the Noble ideals, and ideas of Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty, but his fear is that, without Robert Mugabe, who will save Africa from Neo-Colonialists, and Imperialists who want to impose their evils of Homosexuality on the Continent of Africa, the Charismatic Politician pleaded with Conservative Africans, Blacks around the World and “our Conservative White Brothers, and Sisters” to oppose the exportation of Homosexuality all over the World, as British Prime Minister has threatened, which could create Third World War.

“It’s only Pan-Africanist President Robert Mugabe who can Morally, Ethically, and Culturally stop British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and President Barack Obama from imposing Neo-Colonialism of Homosexuality on African Soil”, said the former Precinct Captain, and Volunteer for President Barack Obama’s Campaign, who was used, and discarded by Obama’s Campaign, without any reward, or any appointment — despite the fact that some of his Sophisticated Intellectual ideas, have successfully been implemented by the White House, and by Governments in his Native Country of Ghana.

It should be noted that the Pro-American Democracy Activist, and Ex-Precinct Captain for President Barack Obama's Campaigns, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, is the Policy Architect who successfully advised the White House, (with his published News Bulletins, faxed Letters to the White House, and Electronic Mails to the White House), on [Moral Basis] for U.S. Military intervention to overthrow Libya's "Mad Dog", Mu'ammer Gaddafi --- in order to save lives !!!; also, successfully advised the White House on Military intervention to overthrow Egypt's former President, Hosni Mubarak --- in order to save lives !!!, and furthermore, successfully advised the White House, and United Nations to bombard the hide-out of former Ivorian President, Laurent Gbagbo, if he (Gbagbo) refused to surrender within 48 Hours, in order to save lives !!! --- (It should be noted that exactly 48 Hours, Gbagbo's hide-out was indeed, bombarded, when the White House gave "Green Light" to France, and U.N., etc, etc.

The former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate also successfully advised President George Bush's White House, with his published News Bulletin on "American Democratic Revolution Around the World".

”The whole World should bravery resist British Prime Minister, David Cameron’s illegal attempt to export Homosexuality all over the World”.

“Now I know why Zimbabweans should vote for Mugabe to prevent British Prime Minister Cameron, and (our African Lost Brother, President Obama), who strangely, and sadly, want to turn the whole World into ‘Bonobo Animal Kingdom’, where a [few] of the Bonobo Animals also engage in the evils of Homosexuality, like the Mentally-Retarded Gays and Lesbians who need Psychiatric help, and absolutely, do not deserve un-necessary violence, and discrimination, said the Fair-Minded Politician, and Scholar, who said that although he is strongly opposed to barbaric violence against any group of People in this World, even if they are Mentally-Retarded like Gays, and Lesbians (who really need Psychiatric help), he will nevertheless, forever strongly condemn the evils of Neo-Colonialism of Homosexuality, being forcefully imposed around the World, especially on Africa’s Continent.

“African Leaders, especially, Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe, should arrest British Prime Minister, David Cameron, and President Barack Obama, anytime they arrive on African Soil, [if] they export the Imperialists’ evils of Homosexuality to the Continent of Africa, which is the Root of the Black Race, and Friendly Land to ‘Our White Brothers, and Sisters, etc, etc’”, said the Pro-American Democracy Activist, dubbed “AMERICA’S MANDELA”, who has again, urged United States to build Military base in his Native Country of Ghana to help in preventing Al-Queda Terrorists from entering Africa, and Vis a Vis — Continental Africa should also build Nuclear Bombs to protect Africans’ Civilized Culture, Values, Morals, and Traditions, which are being threatened by Neo-Colonialists of Gayism, and Lesbianism.

“Now the whole World knows where Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu will go after death — Hell, the Path he has chosen, after allowing himself to be bribed by Neo-Colonialists Exporters of Homosexuality; Gays and Lesbians to destroy the Human Race with Aids, and to wipe-off his [own] Black Race on the Continent of Africa from the surface of the Earth", the Moralist Politician said.

"Pope Francis, and Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu should be told that Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexuals, and Tran-Sexuals should be forgiven (only if) they repent".

"When they repent and liberate themselves from Satanic Powers forcing them to perform Homosexual acts, then we will not judge them".

"However, so far as they continue to practice the evils of Homosexuality, the Holy Bible, Torrah, and Koran allow us to condemn that Satanic abomination", said the Great Politician, and Founder / C.E.O. of Rich Souls Salvation Chapel, who has clearly stated that despite his Moral condemnation of evil acts of Sodom, and Gomorrah, he does not support un-necessary and barbaric violence against any group of people, even if those people are unfortunately Mentally-Retarded "Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexuals, and Tran-Sexuals, who need to be saved from Satanic Powers forcing them to perform the Evils of Homosexuality.

"Vatican should immediately Ex-Communicate, or overthow Pro-Gay Pope Francis, before the (few) Homosexual Priests for example, continue to molest innocent Children, since they may think that nobody can judge them for their 'Homosexual Sins Against Humanity' of wickedly, and barbarically molesting innocent Children, now that Pope Francis himself has said that he cannot judge them", said the Iconic Ghanaian-born “AMERICA’S MANDELA”.

Email: UhuruTimes@Yahoo.Com

Source: Tsi-Tsi Mashinini/Uhuru Times