
Pra River to dry up as Newmont Akyem Project takes off?

Sat, 22 May 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, May 22, GNA - Farmers, who would be affected by Newmont Ghana

Gold Limited (NGGL) Akyem Project, have expressed the fear that Upper Pra

River would dry up when the Project, that would destroy Ajenua-Bepo Fores t Reserve, takes off.

A communiqu=E9 issued at the end of a three-day workshop on "Human R ights for Mining Communities in Akyem Kotoku Area" held at Koforidua, said seve n tributaries of the Pra River that take their sources from the Ajenu-Bepo Forest Reserve would be destroyed.

The tributaries, on which the communities in the area depend, are Sentrifa; Awro; Adenkyensu; Akwasi-Akwasi; Aprapun; Yayaa and Adotosu. I n addition the Project intends to pump water from Upper Pra River for its operations. The farmers said the destruction of the Ajenua Bepo, which is the high est mountain in the area and enhances relief rainfall, would lead to the creation a micro-climate that would negatively impact on farming in surrounding areas of the Project and thus destroy the livelihoods of many


The workshop, under the theme; "Human Rights Violations and the Probl ems Associated with Newmont Akyem Project"; was organised by WACAM, a human rights and mining advocacy nongovernmental organization, with the support of Oxfam America. The participants were farmers drawn from Hweakwae; Yayaso; Adausena, Ntronang and Mamanso, all communities to be affected by the operations of

Newmont Akyem Project in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

The communiqu=E9 said already the moratorium on building declared by Newmont Akyem Project has rendered masons and carpenters in the area jobless. It said Newmont Security Agents arrested and put in Police custody fo r two days a Fish Pond Owner, Mr John Akologo and a Mason, Mr Stephen Kwabe na Offei.

Their crime was that Mr Akologo has engaged Mr Offei to repair his f ish pond, which had developed some cracks, in contravention of the declaratio n of a moratorium by the Project, notwithstanding, the fact that the Projec t had not entered into any negotiation with Mr Akologo. The communiqu=E9 said from all indications Newmont Akyem Project is going to be one of the most irresponsible mining projects in the country, citin g an Akan adage - edwa be ba a efri anopa - literary put "if there is going to be a successful market day the signs appear in the morning". The 29 participants called on the Government to revoke the mining lea se granted to NGGL to destroy the Ajenu-Bepo Forest Reserve. 22 May 10

Source: GNA