
President @ 18 Campaigns

Tue, 21 Dec 2010 Source: --

Public Statement:

“Right to vote and be voted for”=18:18

The President at 18 Campaign commends the attempt by Parliament to have the age limit for President reduced from 40 to 35 years. Although this vindicates, to a large extent, the credibility of our cause, we wish to state unequivocally that Parliament could have done better.

In our petition to the Constitutional Review Commission in September this year, we prayed the commission to review all those sections of the 1992 constitution that prescribes ages other than eighteen years as the prerequisite for candidacy into Public Office, including the Presidency. Amongst other things we also stated that that article 62 (b) and all other clauses, provisions or sections in tandem with the stated article should be reviewed to reflect a minimum age requirement of 18 years.

As a nation we require answers to our mounting socio-economic problems, should this answer lie in the mind of a young person, our constitution as it stands now says wait until you are forty or better still the 35 years our Parliamentarians are suggesting. We are not by any stretch of imagination saying that all 18 year olds should enter public office decree, what we are saying is that, let not the constitution prevent them from conceiving such thoughts of coming to ask for your vote. At the end of the day the people will decide on this at the polls; unless we are saying the people are not wise enough.

This would certainly be a big statement to the world and our level of democracy. As we speak, six states in America have removed all age limitations; which means even a one day old baby if able to open its mouth to say it wants to contest for governor, cannot be restrained by the constitution other than the people. To borrow Martin Luther’s words, let us not “judge people by the colours of their skin but by the content of their character”. They may be youth but may certainly have the answers to our problems.

Once again we wish to congratulate our parliamentarians but ask that since it’s not too late take side with us.

Merry Christmas Ghana!

Ernesto Yeboah Fred Smith Edwin Appiah

Lead Advocate Convener National Organiser

0244610732 0266230677 0266731420

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