
President Mbasogo departs

Fri, 10 Sep 2010 Source: GNA

Accra, Sept. 10, GNA - President Teodora Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, left Accra this afternoon, after a four-day official visit.

He was accompanied by a high powered government delegation.

Before his departure at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA), agreements on cooperation were signed between the two countries in the areas of fishing, education, hydro-carbon energy, electricity, maritime and transport, tourism, promotion of women and gender equality as well as labor and social affairs.

Ministers of State responsible for respective sectors under, which these areas fell, signed for both Ghana and Equatorial Guinea respectively.

A 16-point Communique was also signed between the two countries, with Ghana's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Mumuni initialing for Ghana, whilst Pastor Micha Ondo Bile, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Francophony for Equatorial Guinea, initialled for that country.

In the Communiqu=E9, President John Evans Atta Mills and President Mbasogo, reviewed political and socio-economic developments around the globe and re-affirmed their conviction that peace, security and stability were prerequisites for development.

The two leaders also underscored the need for African countries to forge stronger linkages by promoting South-South cooperation to further advance regional integration, trade and investment.

They agreed to cooperate with the development of the cocoa industry and decided to examine the possibility of concluding a bilateral protocol on such cooperation.

President Mills and his counterpart acknowledged the progress that has been made in quality governance in Africa and also emphasized the correlation between democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, which in the long term culminated in national growth and development.

The two leaders renewed their faith in the UN as well as the AU, and re-affirmed their continued support for the African common position in undertaking on-going UN Security Council reform process, taking into account the interest of all member states.

They also pledged their continued support for regional efforts aimed at finding solution to conflicts on the continent.

In a speech before his departure, President Mbasogo observed, "Equatorial Guinea has never signed this kind of agreement with any other country."

He said the strong bond of friendship that the two countries had successfully established had to be considered as an example worth emulating by other African countries.

He expressed the hope that the agreements that had been reached between the two countries would be put to action immediately, "so that in the near future we would reap what we have started today."

President Mbasogo expressed great satisfaction at progress Ghana had made in its various fields of endeavor, especially in the field of agriculture, adding that the cocoa pod, which was brought to Ghana from Equatorial Guinea had gone through great transformation in Ghana. "The pod, seed liquid, everything is utilized," he remarked.

He said the two countries could tap into each other's strengths in order to improve upon their lot as a whole.

President Mbasogo expressed great satisfaction at the warmth that was accorded him and his entourage during his visit.

President Mills said it was "time for us to look around and find what we could derive form our fellow African". He said by coming together, we could support each other with our respective fields of knowledge, adding that such knowledge was bound to promote growth on the continent.

He said the discovery of oil and gas in Ghana was supposed to be a blessing unto the country, adding that this blessing could be realized if the discovery was made good use of.

President Mills said Equatorial Guinea had a highly developed gas and oil industry, adding that there was a lot Ghana could learn from Equatorial Guinea in that area. "We do not need to re-invent the wheel. We would rather continue from where others have reached," he said.

The President added that Equatorial Guinea also had a lot to learn from Ghana in the field of agriculture.

Equatorial Guinea has pledged to take delivery of two million barrels of oil to Ghana per annum. It took the first delivery last month.

At the airport to see off President Mbasogo was President Mills, Ministers of State, members of the Diplomatic Corps, State Dignitaries and a cross section of citizens from Equatorial Guinea, who are living in Ghana.


10 Sept. 10

Source: GNA