
President Rawlings welcomes Libya ceasefire and calls for dialogue

Fri, 18 Mar 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, March 18, GNA - Former President Jerry John Rawlings has welcomed the decision by Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Al Gaddafi to declare an immediate ceasefire to prevent further civilian casualties. He said the Libyan leader should use the ceasefire as an opportunity to initiate dialogue with those who had divergent opinions to his government.

Libyan Foreign Minister, Mussa Kussa announced his government's ceasefire following a resolution by the United Nations backing all necessary measures short of occupation to protect civilians in the country.

A statement issued from the Office of Former President Rawlings in Accra said he had earlier on Friday met with the Libyan Ambassador to Ghana, Dr Ali Ghadban, during which former President Rawlings called on Colonel Gaddafi to stand down his forces and create an opportunity for discussion on the future political direction of Libya. "The world is observing what is going on in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen=85 and Libya was the last place I thought will be engulfed in such hostilities. Let us not do anything that will undermine the peaceful protests in the Middle East, in their quest for a freer society and the fight against corruption." "Colonel Gaddafi has been an advocate of people's power and he needs to stand down his troops and not allow the situation to escalate," Flt Lt Rawlings said.

He said Colonel Gaddafi's stance as an advocate of people's power might have been too theoretical to some and what was happening in Libya was a wake up call to recognise that there was a problem that needed to be looked into.

"If an aspect of the constitution needs to be examined, let us take a look at it. Let us allow a peaceful transformation," he said. Dr Ghadban said the Libyan Government was keen to dialogue with opposition groups and was doing everything to avoid confrontation. He said the opposition were being manipulated by external influences and were reluctant to dialogue on Libya's political future.

Dr Ghadban thanked President Rawlings for his intervention and counsel= .. Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, President of 31st December Women's Movement and Vice-Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, who was also at the meeting called on Colonel Gaddafi to set clear parameters to pave the way for dialogue.

The Former First Lady said continued hostilities would affect women and children who were the most vulnerable in any society. General Arnold Quainoo, Member of the Council of State, Former Chief of Defence Staff and ECOMOG Commander, said Colonel Gaddafi must show magnanimity and call for an immediate ceasefire. 18 March 11

Source: GNA