
Presidential Candidate Kofi Akpaloo’s Fundraiser in Atlanta

Tue, 29 Mar 2011 Source: Ibrahim Tanko

Ghana Presidential Candidate Kofi Akpaloo’s Fundraiser in Atlanta Georgia April 16th 2011

Atlanta, GA, March 29, 2011: The IPP, Ghana West Africa’s new political party is hosting a fundraiser for their Presidential candidateKofi Akpaloo. The event is scheduled for Saturday April 16th at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel in Atlanta, GA. The event is free and open to the public. The event will begin at 6 pm and end at 10 pm. The IPP’s USA NORTH AMERICA CONFERENCE AND FUNDRAISING event will provide information on the IPP party and of course their Presidential Candidate Kofi Akpaloo, who will be in attendance all the way from Ghana West Africa.

The party’s main mission is to bring Ghana into the 21st Century by:

v Redevelopment of the infrastructure in Ghana’s city’s and villages

v Eradicating poverty & improving education

v Creating employment opportunities for youth

v Establishing entrepreneurial opportunities for Ghana citizens

v Opening business opportunities for foreigners

v Bringing change & growth to Ghanaians everywhere

Mr. Kofi Akpaloo invites anyone to come to meet him and his party and discuss his ideas and intentions for a better Ghana.

For more information and to attend this event please contact Mr. Atakora at 404-914-3326.

Source: Ibrahim Tanko