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Press Statement By Telenor

Wed, 12 Feb 2003 Source: ADM

Telenor, the Norwegian telecommunication group whose management services agreement with the Government of Ghana and Ghana Telecom has generated a lot of discussions within the media, has expressed their commitment to deliver in accordance with the targets of the business plan approved by the Government of Ghana and the board of directors of Ghana Telecom.

The company, in a press statement issued to bring the factual information into the public domain, said it has been following with surprise the media discussions related to the agreement, adding that part of the information presented to the Ghanaian public is wrong, unfounded and biased.

The press statement among other things said, based on the company’s experience of transforming Telenor of Norway from a public entity to a private corporation, it is well positioned to accomplish the same with Ghana Telecom.

It explained that if the company exceeds the target set out in the management services agreement, it will be rewarded in the form of a success fee and if it fails to meet the targets, it will be penalized accordingly and added that this constitutes a well-balanced contract on commercial terms.

Source: ADM
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