
Pressure mounts on Mahama

Prez Mahama Glasses

Tue, 5 Nov 2013 Source: The Al-Hajj

Pressure is mounting on President John Dramani Mahama to end the simmering cold war in the party and government, and re-unite the party by recognizing the contribution of all the major stakeholders of the party in getting him elected as President in 2012.

This paper has gathered that many stakeholders including former ministers and appointees under President Mills are distraught about what they see as a painful snub from the president and the lack of appreciation for their efforts in getting him elected as first, the leader of the party, and later, the President of Ghana under very trying situation.

“I can tell you that a lot of the people am talking about do not want anything but just respect and acknowledgement of their efforts in getting the President elected so as to continue the good work of the late President Mills,” a source disclosed.

“We need the unity and cohesiveness that existed in the period before the passing-on of the late President John Evans Atta Mills and also in the immediate aftermath,” the source said.

Sharing their thoughts with this paper in separate conversations about the goings-on in the party, two elder statesmen and stakeholders of the NDC who looked visibly worried and who due to the sensitive nature of the issues pleaded anonymity, called on President John Mahama to do everything within his power to ensure the absolute unity of the party as was demonstrated after the unexpected death and funeral of Atta Mills, and which was also on display throughout the eight long months challenge of his legitimacy at the Supreme Court.

“We must all assist the young man to succeed, he is a lucky president and he is also affable, shy and respectful, but I am alarmed at the happenings in our party, if what we are hearing is true, then it is important the president sits up to ensure that everyone is brought on board so that we can see the sort of togetherness that was exhibited during and after President Mills’ death, we cannot afford to let power slip through our own doings”, one of the NDC elder statesman told The Al-Hajj.

Another elder told this paper “I think President John Mahama is the most fortunate President we have ever had but it is sad… what we are hearing and reading in the media, we need to stand united just like we demonstrated during the election petition hearing at the Supreme Court, brought by the three leading NPP members which sought to challenge the President’s legitimacy. I think now that we have crossed that hurdle, it behooves on president Mahama to rally everyone around so that we can restore the spirit of oneness which is sine qua non for our continued stay in power,” the elder stated.

Whiles the two NDC stalwarts were full of commendation and admiration for the President for his courage and confidence since assuming leadership of the party and government, they believe, he has a bigger responsibility of ensuring the unity and harmony among the rank and file although, both are not discounting the actions and or inactions of the role of some incorrigible elements as it is in every human society.

The two NDC gurus were however unhappy about what they both referred to as “the seeming sidelining of many prominent and experienced members of the party,” in the running of the government, amongst others including, the recent cases of Hon. Bagbin, Dr. Tony Aidoo and General Nunoo Mensah. They urged President Mahama to as much as possible and promptly rectify such situations in order to boost confidence of the rank and file, and ensure the strength of the party.

Dr. Tony Aidoo, a senior member of the NDC and Head of Policy Monitoring and Evaluation at the Office of the President recently chastised the President publicly for rendering his outfit almost redundant and dormant since the death of President John Atta Mills. But credible sources say the president intends to disband that office and has penciled Dr Aidoo for an ambassadorial appointment.

On the part of General Nunoo Mensah, who until recently was known to be the National Security Adviser to the President, and who in recent times came under fire from the opposition for daring striking workers who ‘think the country is too hot for them to pack baggage and leave’; the government says it is unable to confirm if he is still keeping his post, leaving him badly bruised and dejected.

The NDC senior citizens are also calling on President Mahama to listen to the wise counseling of NDC founder and former President Jerry John Rawlings to learn to keep away from criminal-minded and selfish people who would want to destroy all his good efforts.

“Both the good and the bad are around him. He’s unable to kick the bad ones away and I guess it’s because he doesn’t know about… He should learn to keep the “crookish monsters” and “greedy bad ones” away from him,” Rawlings directly told President Mahama at the congregation.

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the General Secretary of the NDC recently warned the party not to allow their differences or disagreements to degenerate into formation of cliques and factions in the party. He was reacting to reports of dire dissatisfaction among members of the ruling party, though he acknowledged the importance of divergent opinions in mass organizations such as NDC which he stressed enriches the quality of decision-making.

Grassroots agitation in the NDC under the late President Mills led to the wife of the founder of the NDC, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings and some supporters breaking away to form a new party, the NDP to contest the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections, a situation that nearly sent the party into opposition but for the party’s disqualification by the EC and also the refusal of former President Rawlings to openly campaign for it.

Political pundits and connoisseurs believe the NDC is treading on dangerous grounds regarding 2016 elections irrespective of whatever successes it chalked relative to the fulfillment of its manifesto pledges if the rank and file of the party cannot relive the spirit of togetherness seen during and after the death of the late President Mills which contributed largely to denying Nana Akufo-Addo the presidency in the 2012 polls.

The President, according to the political watchers should begin to work hard to win back the hearts of his party’s parliamentary caucus and party leadership at all levels, most of whom seemed disillusioned and disenchanted and who are reported to have regretted rallying behind him to ensure the victory of 2012.

Hon Alban Bagbin last week drew the first political dagger against the presidency and the way the president is handling things relating to the party and the government.

Mr Bagbin was blunt on the President’s inaccessibility and the seeming cloud created by sycophants close to the President making it difficult for the President to see the real things happening in the country regarding his administration.

According to the former minister of Health, his attempts to seek audience with President Mahama and advise him on how to minimize corruption has been simply made frustrating by his handlers. ??Blaming the president's handlers for forming a hostile clique around him and leading him into an abyss, he opined that the president is walking around naked with such characters like Stan Dogbe in his inner circle.

The NDC stalwart clarified to the media how he tried unsuccessfully to have access to the first gentleman of the land.

"I have called the ‘presidency’ a number of times to have a meeting with the president but that has not been fruitful. I have spoken to the president’s Executive secretary, Raymond Atuguba, of my desire to meet with the Mr. President on pertinent issues. I have sent text messages to the President...I've even tried to gain access to him at public functions (all to no avail)," Alban Bagbin lamented.

His seeming voluntary admonition was met with sharp attacks from Mr. Stan Dogbe who styled himself as the President’s media manager at the Flag Staff House.? ?But the courageous Mr. Bagbin said, “…I don’t take kindly to people issuing insults [at me]; I never did that when I spoke.

I talked on issues but for the Spokesperson, or is it the Director of Communications at the Presidency - Stan Dogbe - who was nowhere near the fight to get us back into power, to now be at the Presidency to be insulting me, that I will not take kindly [to] and I’m saying that they should bring it on”, Bagbin dared.

Pressed by host of the Radio Gold newspaper review host, Alhassan Suhuyini, for clarifications about whether he was daring the President specifically “to bring it on”, the former health Minister answered: “All of them; all of them”.

According to him, Stan Dogbe’s “insulting” response to his (Bagbin’s) concerns about corruption in the Mahama administration did not happen on the President’s blind side.

“…He was with the President before he issued the thing on social media…he put it on social media”, Bagbin noted.? ?Reminded by Suhuyini that he is an appointee of the same President he is fighting in the media, Bagbin retorted: “And so?”

“You think I treasure being a member of a taskforce or being a cabinet minister? You think I treasure that? I only look for opportunity to serve my people. I’m a Lawyer by profession…ask my colleagues when I was practising in Accra”, he pointed out.? ?According to the former Minority and Majority Leader, he is ready to the fall for his convictions but said he will not jump ship but rather prefers he’s pushed out.

“If I’m dismissed, I‘ll accept it but to take a defeatist attitude by resigning, that is not the best thing to do”, he said.

Source: The Al-Hajj