
Promotion Of African Literary Works ? The Akan-Twi Language

Fri, 4 Nov 2005 Source: embassy of ghana (washington dc.)

The promotion of African literacy and transfer of cultural values and practices of Africans have recently become a conversational gambit among most Africans especially those living in the Diaspora.

This is why it becomes very encouraging when Ghanaian Scholars make conscious attempts to simplify the education of the Ghanaian Culture and language so as to perpetuate the rich culture and value of the African language to the future generation and to the world as a whole.

Additionally, the other area of concern is for the tourist and the investor who has an interest in doing business in Ghana not withstanding the fact that the Ghanaian language is not yet viewed as an international language, therefore the question is, how do we bring it close to international standards?

Thus, to foster advancement in the educational programs to enhance higher standard learning of the Akan-Twi language and to contribute towards the growth and strengthening of the Ghanaian economy as well, a Ghanaian scholar Mr. Edward D. Osafo Osei has published two educational materials on the Akan-Twi language.

The books, ?African Language Of The Akan-Twi? Book One, with discourse in English on audio cassettes, for beginners and Twi language teachers and instructors.

A discourse on Akan perpetual calendar which is the second publication is for religious ceremonies and festivals, covering a period of 500 years from 1700-2200 A.D.

The books are designed to teach both English and Twi-speaking people to acquire knowledge of the Akan ? Twi language and to develop proficiency in reading and pronunciation, spelling and construction of Twi sentences.

Copies of these books are at the library at the Embassy of Ghana in Washington D.C for display and for research while copies can be acquired at bookstores in Ghana or by sending emails to More information is also available at the Ghana Embassy website,

Source: embassy of ghana (washington dc.)