Residents of the area held protests Monday morning
Residents of Adenta and Madina have vowed to put pressure on government to have their footbridges fixed on the Adenta-Madina highway.
They say until the demand is met by government, they will pile pressure through demonstrations and other means to have their issue addressed.
Although government has issued a communique to the effect that, work on the footbridges will start in a matter of one week, they say that is not convincing enough to lay the matter to rest.
A resident who spoke to Kasapa News Monday morning said “For us, we don’t know anything about the letter from government, all we want is that the government should come and do our footbridges for us. People are dying too much and we won’t keep quiet until government solves our problem”
Residents took to the street on Thursday, blocked the road amidst burning of car tyres to protest the construction of footbridges on the road, a situation which ostensibly occasioned the death of a female student of West Africa Senior High School.
Meanwhile, the Police has said per their records 24 individuals have so far died on the Adenta-Madina Highway between January and October this year while over 100 have been injured through accidents.
“We have recorded about 24 deaths and 164 injuries between January and 31st October on that stretch,” DSP Alex Obeng, head of research of the MTTD told Kasapa News.