
Public Agenda

Mon, 12 Jul 1999 Source: --

Civil servants, nurses, teachers threaten upheaval

In a screaming headline story, the Public Agenda reports on its front page that civil servants, teachers and nurses are demanding a tough response from their leaders to what the paper describes as the ?chaotic? implementation of the Price Waterhouse salary recommendations, which has resulted in at least, 64,000 workers receiving less or no salaries for the month of June.

The Public Agenda says the three groups of workers have threatened that if the government does not take immediate steps to rectify the situation, there would be an upheaval.

The paper says the negative start has reinforced the misgivings of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the University Teachers? Association of Ghana (UTAG), who are yet to sign agreements for the implementation of the Price Waterhouse recommendations.

The leaders of the Civil Servants Association of Ghana (CSAG), Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Ghana Registered Nurses? Association (GRNA) and Judicial Service Association of Ghana (JUSAG), have championed the implementation of the ?controversial? policy.

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