
Pull-out ceremony held for Director of Prisons in charge of Finance

DOP Adjei-Attah began his career in the Ghana Prisons Service in December 1995

Mon, 17 Jul 2023 Source:

A pull-out ceremony for the Director of Prisons in charge of Finance Mr. Samuel Adjei-Attah has been held at the Prison Officers’ Training School in Accra. DOP Samuel Adjei- Attah served for 28 years.

Enlisted as a member of Cadet Course intake 13, DOP. Samuel Adjei-Attah began his career in the Ghana Prisons Service in December 1995. He was first posted to the Ankaful Main Camp, as a staff officer to the Central Regional Commander; later he became the Records, Reception officer and senior officer in charge of Agriculture.

While at Ankaful, he was moved to the Contagious Diseases Prisons as the second-in-command and then the Officer in charge when the substantive Office in Charge retired. After almost 8 years of dedicated service in Ankaful Prisons Complex, he was later transferred to the Medium Security Prison at Nsawam as a welfare Officer. Subsequently he was transferred to James Camp Prison as the Second in Command in January 2005.

SPO. 319 DOP Samuel Adjei Atta was later sent to Prison Officers Training School as the Deputy Commandant and served for 6months. In October, 2009, he was moved to Winneba Local Prison as the substantive Officer in charge. In September 2016, he served as the Assistant Director of Prisons at the Sekondi Central Prison. In 2017 and 2018, he became the Assistant Director of Prisons at Wa Central Prison and the Assistant Director of Prison at the Prison Officers Training School. By dint of hard work, and dedication to the Service, DOP. Samuel Adjei-Attah was transferred to the Headquarters in 2021, and served as the Director of Prison Health.

Prior to his retirement, he was appointed as the Director of Finance in October 2022.

The director of Prisons in charge of Finance Mr. Adjei-Attah urged all Officers to present a unified front in all their dealings.

‘It is especially important to be vigilant at all times and in all that one does, especially because we deal with human beings who are by nature very unpredictable and have aspirations which are very insatiable.’

‘To work as a Prison Officer which is intrinsically rewarding needs a lot of commitment and dedication to duty and not to be too money conscious. It requires one to bide his time and to be loyal to one’s superiors in order to reach the pinnacle of one’s chosen career, a quality I find lacking in some of the up coming officers. I wish to urge you all to give your maximum support and selfless service to your superiors. For there is a reward in dedicated service’.

‘I urge you all to present a unified front in all your dealing because in unity lies strength. For strong leadership, there is the need for unity, because a leader is motivated to act when he or she knows he/she has the support of his/her following.’

DOP. Samuel Adjei-Attah served in the United Nations Hybrid Operations in Darfur (UNAMID) and was decorated with June 4th Medal, Long service and Good Conduct Medal, Golden Jubilee Awards, and medals.
