
RCC 3-storey building block in Damongo completed - PIAC

Meeting held by some members of PIAC in Cape Coast

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 Source:

The Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) in it’s 2022 Report indicated there is an erection and completion of a 3-Storey Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) administration Block at Damongo, the capital of the Savannah Region.

This was disclosed when PIAC held a media engagement at Cape Coast, Elmina Beach Resort on Saturday, June 17, 2023 to present it’s 2022 annual report.

A member of PIAC, Alhaji Ahmad Suleman Anderson presented to the media and other invited Stakeholders, the 2022 annual report and indicated that, “Work on the construction (of the Savannah Region RCC) had reached a 93% physical completion stage, as at the time of their visit and that although there were outstanding works to be done, the progress of work was commendable”.

Alhaji Ahmad Suleman Anderson said the furniture to be used in the offices had been procured in readiness for the completion of the project.

He further stated that the 2022 annual report is in fulfilment of PIAC’s statutory obligation under the Petroleum Revenue Management Act, 2011 (Act 815), as amended by Act 893, to publish semi-annual and annual reports.

PIAC member, Alhaji Ahmad Suleman Anderson added that the report is a reconciliation of data supplied by stakeholder institutions, and an independent assessment of the collection, management, and use of the country’s petroleum revenues for the period of January to December 2022.

References from the report indicated that PIAC has inspected a number of projects which were funded by the Annual Budget Funding Amount (ABFA) with the Savannah Regional Coordinating Council not being an exception.

The report added that ABFA counterpart payment of the project as at 2021 which was 93% complete, was Gh¢8,630,297.41 at the time of inspection.

Also, cumulative revenue earned by the country from petroleum revenues since 2011 to the year 2022, amounted to US$8.79 billion. According to Alhaji Anderson, petroleum revenue for the year 2022 stood at US$1.42 billion, the highest in a single year since inception.
