
RE: Appointees Buying Houses In The USA

Ohene Agyekum@US

Tue, 17 May 2011 Source: DANIEL OHENE AGYEKUM

My attention has been drawn to a publication on the Ghana Web by one Edward Thomas with an e-mail address wulembaafrica@yahoo.come and the source being The African Standard making an allegation that I Daniel Ohene Agyekum, currently serving as Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States of America, “has acquired huge tracts of lands on the outskirts of Virginia and that I have been “spending more time in viewing properties in Virginia and surrounding Areas”.

I want to be absolutely clear and emphatic that since I was posted to Washington DC a little over a year ago, I have not sought and do not intend to acquire any property of land or house here in Virginia or anywhere else in the US.

Indeed throughout my life, as a trained and professional Diplomat, having served my Country Ghana diligently over 40 years in various places and capacities throughout the world, including Israel, the Scandinavian countries and Canada, I have never acquired one little plot of land or one little property in any of these countries. The allegation is patently false, malicious, baseless, and vicious and could only have been made to destroy my reputation.

I call on the African Standard Publication as well as owners of the newspaper if they truly exist to provide the relevant evidence to support this vile allegation. In the meantime, I am consulting with my legal advisers and will certainly take the appropriate and necessary action to clear my name. I would like to repeat that I have served my country throughout my public life with a profound sense of integrity and honesty and I know that any attempt by anybody to seek to destroy my reputation simply because the perpetrators seek political power WILL NOT SUCCEED.